JAPAN: Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe shot in attempted assassination

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One thought on “JAPAN: Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe shot in attempted assassination”

  1. Timing all too convenient…MORE CHAOS with a U.S. ally close in proximity to China who was tough and opposed China’s threats.
    World with Trilateral Commission’s OBiden/Soros/Gates Stoogies and The WEF/CCP Cabal running the show and HATING the United States makes EVERYTHING FEEL SO QUESTIONABLE and then it occurs to the sane of GOD BEING THE ONE IN CHARGE…And, the need to stand to do whatever one can to fight in one’s dimension of life. It feels as though God KNOWS…And, Our Lady prays…And, we all need to pray in Thanksgiving and Reparation for the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

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