Br. Bugnolo at the Rosary for Life, Madrid, Spain, Aug: 27 & Interview

Editor’s Note: You can hear and see my interview at the 30 Minute mark, in my crude Spanish.Β  The group praying the Rosary are from Communion y TradiciΓ³n, the largest Carlist Catholic organization in Spain, which represents the Catholics who have opposed liberalism for the last 180 years, like all Catholics should have been doing. — I asked that a priest attend and lead the Rosary, since that is much more pleasing to the Holy Virgin than that I lead it.

TOLEDO: The Museum of Catholic Military Orders

Editor’s Note: The shops of Toledo are full of historical reproductions of armor and swords. Here is one shop advertising that they sell it all:

And here is the manequin of a Templar, in another:

However, one must take care, because upon close inspection, the majority of these shops are selling swords and armor for Freemasonic ceremonies.

Oh, and if you are interested, I found a museum of Witchcraft, on the Street of the Synagogue. But I said a prayer of exorcism as I pass. I do not recommend anyone risk diabolic possession or infestation by entering it. Sometimes, however, geography tells more truth than books.

TOLEDO: The Cathedral

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Yesterday I made a brief 45 minute visit to one of the most ancient sites of the Catholic Faith in Spain, the Cathedral of Toledo. Founded by the disciples of the Apostles in the first century after Christ, the Church of Toledo has had a continual succession of Bishops down to our day. And through it all the Church has received the patronage of Saints and Kings, so that it is today without a doubt one of the magnificent treasures of Catholic religious art along with being the resting place of countless Kings, queens, Bishops, clergy and not a few Saints.

I say a brief 45 minutes, because, if you even begin to pay attention to the art in this Church, it would take you days before you surveyed it all with due attention. But when you purchase a ticket they only give you 45 minutes at a time to view it.

Here are some videos and photos I took yesterday afternoon, to inspire you and convince you, if you are even in Spain, to head for the Cathedral of Toledo for a unique and unforgettable lesson in Catholic sacred art.

The style of this Cathedral is Spanish Gothic. And Indeed, I think you can say that the Gothic began here, seeing that Toledo was the capital of the Visogothic Kingdom.

The main doors, now opened only for visits of Popes and Kings.

The side door:

The same door, from a distance, showing its architectural context. This is the door to enter when visiting the Most Blessed Sacrament. While from the inside you cannot enter the whole of the Church, at least here you do not have to pay to enter.

The Choir, that is, the place where the Canons of the Cathedral recited the Divine Office together. Here the camera looks toward the Sanctuary, where the High Altar stands.

Here is the sanctuary:

Here is just one of the side altars dedicated to the Mother of God. The entire Cathedral is consecrated to Her, under Her title as Immaculate Conception.

Here is a fresco of the Last Judgement, from the Chapel of the Bishops. Notice that no clerics are to be found on the side of the damned. (I think the Bishops were not facing reality).

Here are 3 amazing illuminated manuscripts from the Cathedral Library:

Treasures found in Santiago

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

It is very rare today to find ancient liturgical books in perfect condition, and for sale. But following an inspiration from my guardian angel I entered a book shop and found these.

The first is a Spanish language Sunday Missal from 1943. The book store gave this to me as a gift.

The 4 breviares are from 1911, during the reign of Pope St. Pius X: they cost 150 euros total.

The Missal Ronanum is from 1893, during the reign of Pope Leo XIII: it costs 450 euros.

If you would like to help me purchase them, so as to put them back in use for the honor and glory of God, consider a donation below:

Whom has Pope Benedict XVI authorized to undertake the Election of His Successor?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Now that the Catholic World is coming to understand the veiled way in which the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI has been speaking since February 2013, I want to return to shed some light on the question of the election of His successor and two aspects of His Declaratio which I was the first to publicly bring to the attention of the world.

In the past, when I spoke of these things, they seemed incredible. But now that Andrea Cionci has definitively established that the Holy Father is using amphibologies to get His message out to the faithful, while hiding their true meaning from the Masons in the Church — just as Christ our Lord did when speaking with the High Priests, Pilate, or the Pharasees — it is more certain that was I recognized nearly 3 years ago, is the true sense of His Declaratio.

First of all, in the very opening of the Latin text of the Declaratio, the Holy Father uses the word vobis instead of vobiscum, which is a glaring error only a refined classicist in Latin would be sensitive to, but which alters the meaning of the entire sentence and sends a grave warning to the whole Church.

All the Vatican translations read the vobis as if it were vobiscum, but that is a totally illegitimate and dishonest way of reading a Latin text. They do this, however, by necessity of self protection, because when you read vobis as vobis, and not as vobiscum, you see immediately that the Declaratio is a denunication of the entire Roman curia and the Cardinals in particular.

Reading vobis in the original as vobiscum, the opening sentence is translated thus:

“I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three canonizations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of the Church. …”

But reading vobis in the original as vobis, the Latin meaning of the first phrase is an explosive declaration of schism:

“Not only for the sake of the three acts of canonization have I called you together for this Consistory, but also so that I may communicate a separation from you of great moment for the life of the Church.” (For details, and footnotes see here).

This means that the entire Declaratio must be read in an entirely different light, and that the references to the election of His successor too.

For when he says, in the core of his Declaration (again my translation):

On which account (5), well conscious of the weight of this act I declare in full liberty, that I renounce the ministry (6) of the Bishop of Rome, the Successor of Saint Peter, committed (8) to me through the hands of the Cardinals (7) on the 19th of April, 2005, to leave unused (10) from the 28th of February, at 20:00 hours, Rome time (9), the See of Saint Peter, and that a Conclave to elect a new Supreme Pontiff is to be convoked by those who are competent (11).

We must take a close look at the final phrase,

… that a Conclave to elect a new Supreme Pontiff is to be convoked by those who are competent.

They key word here in Latin is,

ab his quibus competit convocandum esse.

Speaking in front of the entire College of Cardinals, the Holy Father omits to say that they are the men to whom it pertains to convoke the Conclave. I noticed this in 2020, and it led me to all my investigations into the text (see here), which have borne fruit now in the book by Andrea Cionci.


So now that we know that it is very important to pay attention with precision to the words that the Holy Father uses, I wish to bring to your attention, dear readers, that the Holy Father is saying something very important in His choice of the word which in English has no equivalent: and that word is competit.Β  I have rendered it as those who are competant, using the English cognate.

But the Latin does not refer to mental competancy but to legal competancy.Β  And this reference is not just to someone who has authority to act, but to one who has it innately or naturally.

This can be seen in the definitions of the Latin verb, competo, in the Lewis’s Latin Dictionary, under the third tropological sense of the word:

3. To belong, be due to: β€œactionem competere in equitem Romanum,” Quint. 3, 6, 11: β€œmihi adversus te actio competit,” Dig. 19, 1, 25: β€œpoena competit in aliquem,” App. M. 10, p. 243, 40: β€œhereditas competit, alicui,” Eum. Pan. Const. 4: β€œlibertas servo competere potest,” Just. Inst. 1, 5, 1.β€”Hence,
1. compΔ•tens , entis, P. a.
Source: here.

This is why the Holy Father says, ab his quibus, rather than ab vobis fratribus cardinalibus quibus…Β  That is, why He says, “by those to whom” rather than “by You Cardinal Brothers”.

This is because the Cardinals only have the right to elect the Roman Pontiff in virtue of Canon Law and Papal Law, which are positive juridical acts, which can be altered or abolished.Β  But there is another group which has the right to elect the Roman Pontiff by divine and natural right and Apostolic Tradition, which can never be abolished and needs no written law to confirm: and that is the Catholics of the Church of Rome.

Hence, I believe it can be soundly and safely said, that in His Declaratio, the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI has authorized canonically His successors election by the Faithful of Rome, foreseeing in some way, that all the Cardinals would break with the Apostolic See by electing an anti-Pope and that none of them would be reconciled with His person before His death, which is the sine qua non requirement for them to participate in any election of His successor.

And His prayer for the Cardinals at the end of his Declaratio shows that He is praying for their conversion and return, as a good father always does.