Father Maximilian building a new Hermitage


Editor’s Note: I am featuring this video, because Father Maximilian was one of my junior confreres in the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. You see that he and I still share the same religion, because we both wear the Franciscan habit and the Miraculous Medal as a sign of our total consecration to the Mother of God.

Sanctuaries of Spain: Santiago de Compostella

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

My report about this sanctuary will be delayed, since I suffered in my opinion grave violations of my human, religious and civil liberties as I entered the Basilica and immediately thereafter for the next 11 hours.  As I have a team of lawyers in Spain now working on the cases, they have asked me to say nothing about it.

I am well and somewhat bruised. Though I carry a deep sense of personal shame after having been in my opinion violated in my deepest physical privacy during the ordeal. I may be able to publish something more in 2 weeks time.

However, my report will not include the interior of the Basilica for reasons which will become obvious then.

Sanctuaries of Iberia: Basilica of Saint Michael the Archangel in Exclesis

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

We Catholics who live outside of Europe do not appreciate the tremendous religious treasure which Catholics have built up in Europe during the last 2000 years: the most visible of which are the sanctuaries and shrines were our ancestors have venerated the Saints and adored the Most Holy Trinity.

On my mission to Spain, I therefore made it a point to begin with a pilgrimage, and first of all, to the Shrine of Saint Michael the Archangel in Excelsis, which is one of the oldest in Iberia.

Here is the history of the place:

The shrine can be found on a high mountain top, NE of Pamplona, just inside the Spanish border, after you enter from France. Here are the videos and photos I took yesterday:

Now I lit 9 candles for the intentions of my readers. You can write your petitions below, numbering them by the number of the Candle. And yes, there is no charge, and you can share the same candle.

Here are some photographs of the interior:

There is a church built behind the small carolingian altar, which I featured in the videos. This is it above.

And there are some banners made by the Catholics of the area, which they carry in procession:

Here is the beautiful processional cross of the Basilica:

Here is the main alter of the Carolingian chapel:

Here is the high alter of the larger Church in which the chapel is found:

And here are the horses which dwell on Saint Michael’s mountain:

There was even a little dog, who was glad to see me:


This morning I am at the Tomb of the Apostle, seeking the counsel of the great Saint James, the Greater, at Compostella, until 11:45 A. M., and Tomorrow I visit the sites where the 5 prayers were revealed during the apparitions of Saint Michael and our Lady at Fatima, Portugal.

Br. Bugnolo’s August Appeal

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Tomorrow, I set out for Spain, to give conferences about how Pope Benedict XVI is still the Pope, how Catholics can and must oppose Globalism and the Great Reset, and to found a non-profit for the formation of Catholic men.

If you live in Spain or Portugal, please leave me your contact information, if you would like to meet me.

I have now the use of a Fiat Uno, which is property of the Ukrainian Charity I founded. I hope in Spain to find supporters for the humanitarian work we are doing in Ukraine under the aegis of Cross Azure (crossazure.org). But while this means travel is easier, it also means another 50 euro a day for gasoline, on long drives (It gets 40 miles to the gallon, but in Europe, gasoline is about $7 per gallon).

Of course, I am also hoping to found a chapter of Ordo Militaris Catholics in Spain, and have already found eager interest.

I won’t be eating in restaurants, so as to save money: I will shop in supermarkets and buy stuff for sandwiches.

I want to thank the benefactors last month who donated sufficient monies to support the rent of the Latin Mass Center, in the province of Rome, Italy, till December. I have told the owner, that I will renew the contract for another year: hoping as I do that you will all continue to help me in that apostolate too.

I ask you prayers for a priest and a monk who are considering declaring for Pope Benedict XVI.

In Italy, Andrea Cionci’s book, about the Ratzinger Code is now 2nd best seller. I helped him extensively in its preparation, but he took the leads I had found and ran with it much further. I see that work of mine in Italy, now finished, on this account.

For those who may not know, I am a Franciscan Brother, living like a hermit, who keeps private vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience according to the Rule of Saint Francis of Assisi (Regula Bullata). My immediate superior is Pope Benedict XVI. I am president of Ordo Militaris Inc., Helena, Montana, Cross Azure, of Kyiv, Ukraine, and L’Italia per gli Italiani, of Rome, Italy. All apostolates I do for the protection of Christians who are persecuted.

Here is how you can help me in my expenses in Spain:

Here is how you can help my apostolates:

Keep the Latin Mass Center / B16 Refuge for vocations open another year:

Support FromRome.Info:

You cannot support L’Italia per gli Italiani (Italy for Italians), because it is a political party, and in Italy, the law prevents foreign support. But also, if you are in Italy, you cannot support us, because all the Banks have refused us a bank account. Which shows that we are the true hope of Italy.

Help me and the US Veterans working with me, save lives in Ukraine by distributing IV Fluid to the wounded:

PHOTO CREDIT: The featured image, in which I appear, is a photo by Nuccio Rizzo, showing me and two of his grandsons walking along the tiny harbour of Santa Maria la Scala, at Acireale, Sicily, in August of 2022 A. D.. Used with permission. Nuccio is the inventor of the original Calzacalze, the device to help you put on your socks.

In Sicily, for a Family Catechesis

One of the most important apostlates which the corruption of Vatican II destroyed was the vidits to families to give good cousel to parents, grandparents and youth.  Since my own mom dedicated her life to children I cannot help but be concerned in their dalvation, proper formation and protection.

Lately, I have been traveling, and in recent days I paid a visit to my best benefactors in Sicily, at whose table I alwaysvfound hospitalityvwhen I attended the Latin Mass at Acireale on Sundays during the years I lived in Sicily as a hermit, 2009-2011 A. D..

When visiting families clergy and religious should avoid all useless chatter and should attend to advising the parents in regard to what is seen out of place during the visit. Parents should bring questions to the visiting clergy and religious about family problems and questions about the Faith.  Short instruction on the basics of the Faith, just as the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, the Creed should be the aim of the talks.

During my visit, I left the grandsons of my best benefactor in all of Sicily with  an instruction on the importance of living in the real world, and putting little importance in television and cellphones. At my suggestion the grandfather took them to the beach, where I taught them to walk on a rocky beach and explained what a break water is.  Acireale is also the home of the mythical Polyphemus, and so I explained who he was, why Greeks believed in myths, and why pagans exhorted to strange and adventurous stories to understand the world around them. I suggested the parents that they get children’s version of the Odysee and stop buying Marvel or Anime comics, since the latter were created and published by pedophiles and perverts.

One of the grandchildren showed me a bible instruction program on a cellphone, and I pointed out to the parents that it was a protestant version of scripture, which mistranslated, “And She shall crush your head” as “And a son of a woman shall crush your head”. The parents showed me a comic book which read backwards, in the style of Hebrew, Arabic and Oriental languages, and the mother explained how this was causing her son to have difficulty writing Italian in the left to right direction. I advised that the book be shelved and kept away from young children. I also advised getting the lives of the Saints in illustrated children’s versions, rather than godless Christ-less comics.

I gave each boy a pendant of his guardian angel and taught them what a Rosary is and why it is important to write out your prayers and learn them by memory.

I suggested to the parents and grand parents that at their age it is important to take them to different places and teach them about the real world. And after 2 years of lock down they were eager for it.

As I left, the boys asked me when I was going to return. As God wills…

For my readers, an Update

Many have asked why I am publishing so rarely know. Well, I announced in June and July that I am shifting to an apostolate of works rather than of words, so I won’t be writing as much here.

Also, I have been traveling, from Ukraine to Italy and tomorrow to Spain.

I finished all I can do in founding the Ukrainian non-profit, Cross Azure, which is now run by American Military Veterans. They are distributing IV Fluid and related paraphernalia, which is saving hundreds of lives on the Front.  Ukraine does not have a blood supply and so civilians and soldiers who are wounded often risk dying from loss of blood pressure. I have left the day to day running of the corporation to them, and have returned to Italy.

In Spain I will be giving conferences on Pope Benedict XVI, as making pilgrimages to some of the major shrines. I will try to write an article about each and publish the Spanish version of my talks.

If you would like Cross Azure to save lives of innocent Ukrainians on the Russian Front, please consider a generous donation. In the Ukraine, IV Fluid costs under $2 USD per 400 ML, which means a donation of $5 can save one life. What better use of money is there? Click this image to visit their site and make a donation, or follow them on twitter at @CrossAzureUkr.

PHOTO CREDITS: All but the first video, are videos shot by Nuccio Rizzo, showing me and two of his grandsons, at times walking along the tiny harbour of Santa Maria la Scala, at Acireale, Sicily, in August of 2022 A. D.. Used with permission. Nuccio is the inventor of the original Calzacalze, the device to help you put on your socks.

1.3 Million DeathVaxx injuries still remain on the VAERS registry

Editor’s Note: After reports that only 1 in 10 injuries is ever reported, and that large quantities of reports were erased from the VAERS database, anyone with an authentic interest in objective facts can infer that the number of real injuries must now be over 20 million in the USA alone.  Here in Italy, I suspect similar numbers. One shop keeper who told me that he took 2 DeathVaxes and a booster, no longer comes to his store. His mother fills in for him, saying, “He cannot get up early in the morning anymore.”

The DeathVaxx program is already leading to massive worldwide Demographic collapse

Editor’s Note: If you can still connect the dots, and IF you still want to connect the dots: Ukraine has very low death vax rates and still has very high birth rates. It’s the only nation in Christian Europe like that. And that is why Putin has declared it must be genocided off the map. No other nation is so menaced, because the real Globalist objective is demographic. And if you do not support saving lives in Ukraine, you probably never supported saving lives anywhere.

The Latest Work around for Canon 332 §2 — The Liturgical Theory

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The amount of non-intellectual work being done by those who insist Bergoglio is the pope no matter what, even if that be the only dogma left in the Catholic Church, has arrived at it most silly and absurd assertion.

I call it the “Liturgical Theory”.  According to this theory, a man is pope if he offers the holy Sacrifice of the Mass without saying, “And for our Holy Father, N.”, naming some one else.

It is alleged, as an example, the case of Don Sione Pifizzi of Florence Italy, who in the presence of Cardinal Ernst Simoni, in the private chapel of Pope Benedict XVI, in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery — where he is watched and held in de facto isolation from all media and all the faithful, except those hand selected by Bergoglio, that the Holy Father at Mass offers it, “And for our Holy Father, Pope Francis”.

Therefore, according to this theory, that means he is not the pope.

But there is a problem with this theory.

First, it is not a theory, because the hypothesis has never been proven. Because there is no law in the Church or teaching, which asserts that a man is not the pope if he says these words, or ceases to be pope if he does, or has duly (rite) manifested his renunciation of the papacy if he says such words at any later date.

The other problem is one of interpretation.

What do these words mean when you are being held prisoner by Bergoglio and the entire Curia and Episcopacy are involved in a diabolic “threaten to kill you if you don’t renounce” conspiracy of many if not all of the Sacred Hierarchy and clergy.

I will never forget the wild rejoicing from all the Modernists and impure clergy round the world, on Feb. 11, 2013. I was at Rome and I saw that from that day onward the Pontifical Faculties began to throw off any pretense of the Faith.  They were gleeful. They knew what happened and they lied to us each day to distract us from the truth of it or prevent us from every knowing it.

So if you presume that such an event happened because Bergoglio’s hand picked clerics say so, and if you insist it means that he is no longer the pope, you have no proof, but only an absurd allegation, backed by no law and forensically compromised by the circumstances in which it is alleged to take place.

And if you think that means Bergoglio is the pope,  then I would humbly submit that you do not give a damn about the truth or a bleep about who is really Christ’s Vicar on Earth, not to mention, that you fear not even to imply that Christ is a impardonable liar, in saying to Peter and all his successors: “Simon, Simon: Satan has desired to sift you all like wheat, but I have prayed for you, that your faith may never fail…”