Andrea Cionci: The Great Prelate that is prophesied, is Pope Benedict XVI returned

Translation:  “Personally, I believe that the Great Prelate is none other than the Benedict VIII “returned” in Ratzinger code: “No pope has resigned in a thousand years”.  (Perhaps) I will be wrong, but there are too many coincidences.”

Editor’s Note: My English translation has inserted “Perhaps”, because in Italian it frequently happens that one omits that word in this phrase.  But I think Cionci’s quip here is profound, because Benedict XVI has all the gentile qualities and is in a unique position, that after Bergoglio’s exits stage left ad infera, he would be most able to call the clergy back to sanity.

The Great Prelate is a figure mentioned in the apparitions of Our Lady of Quito, and regards a bishop or cardinal, of noble blood, from the province of Rome, who by his gentleness and zeal recalls the Catholic clergy back to the faith, after the world-wise apostasy induced by the secret sect (Freemasonry).

On that basis, one would have to exclude Joseph Ratzinger who is neither Italian or of noble blood. But no such figure exists on the scene. Archbishop Viganò is of noble blood, but he is not from the province of Rome. Nor is Don Minutella, whose fans often speak of him as a great prelate.

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18 thoughts on “Andrea Cionci: The Great Prelate that is prophesied, is Pope Benedict XVI returned”

  1. That would contradict La Salette and many others. It is also illogical. Attempts to make him return will result in the destruction of Rome and Benedict XVI having to flee and be martyred in the proces. Which will in its turn result in the desired turn to the end of the chastisement and temporary restauration..

    1. I do not think the restoration of Pope Benedict XVI will cause any evil, because you cannot blame a good work on the hateful response of the enemies of God. If we accepted such a mindset we would be psychologically imprisoned by the masons forever. Rather, we SHOULD do the good works that will most offend them and unnerve them.

      1. No, it’s a reference to what Pope Benedict XVI said, when he said, “No pope has resigned in a thousand years”, because Benedict VIII resigned in 1012, ad Benedict renounced the ministry in 2013, the thousand year reference was to him. But since B8 was restored to power, the inference Cionci is making is that B16 knows somehow that he will be restored to power.

  2. Possiamo piamente sperare che il signor Cionci non stia sbagliando. Ricorda che Dio è glorificato nella debolezza umana: può sconfiggere il nemico più forte con un uomo fragile e fedele. Ricorda Davide e Golia. (2 Cor. 12:9)

  3. Supremely informed, but nevertheless, idle speculation, isn’t it? According to Don Minutella’s sources the prelate would be in his fifties and the election most likely miraculous and beyond all doubt. The emotions and expectations we all are feeling must be something similar to John’s preaching repentance. The sense of expectation is incredible.

    1. yeah, don’t take Don Minutella words literally, there are others you should listen to over him regarding this. like a Doctor of the Church proclaimed by our Holy Father who also was from Germany, St. Hildegard Von Bingen.

  4. It is quite obvious that the truth is dawning on everyone. “You can’t fool all of the people all of the time” said Abe Lincoln. Soon someone will say officially: “The conclave that elected Bergoglio was a fraudulent conclave. All Papal acts thereof are null and void. The Church has been infiltrated by a sect of pedophiles.” Certain instructions will follow and that will be the end of the ‘fairy tail’ 😉” — I am almost convinced that Russia and its Muslim allies will be the instruments of God to end this nightmare. Not one of them will live to see one more day.

  5. I have read that some prophecies that Josef Ratzinger’s legitimate successor will be a solitary hermit who will have a 4-year pontificate. He will make a concilie, condemn this apostasy, and the Church will be restored. He will be a demanding pope and will have a purity and holiness that will draw attention even to the angels. He won’t be a Latino-American.

  6. Perdão, “ele e não será latino americano” é o correto do meu comentário acima. Obrigado.

  7. “Nor is Don Minutella, whose fans often speak of him as a great prelate.”

    Did you happen to see this article by Samuel Colombo where he opines that the “ministerium” (while Pope Benedict is impeded), has been entrusted to Don Minutella, who he believes is the Great Prelate?

    This is bizarre to me. Some commenters on his Facebook page believe he has gone too far in his esteem for Don Minutella and will therefore cause further division.

  8. “The Supreme Pastor and Vicar of Christ on earth who, a prisoner in the Vatican, will shed secret and bitter tears in the Presence of God Our Lord, asking for light, sanctity, and perfection for all the clergy of the world, to whom he is king and father.” “Then will the Church, joyful and triumphant like a young girl, reawaken and be comfortably cradled in the arms of My Most Dear and Elect Son of those times. If he lends an ear to the Inspirations of Grace–one of which will be the reading of these Great Mercies that My Son and I have had toward you–we shall fill him with Graces and Very Special Gifts and
    will make him Great on earth and Much Greater in Heaven. There we have Reserved a Precious Seat for him because, heedless of men, he will have fought for Truth and ceaselessly defended the Rights of the Church, deserving to be called ‘martyr.’” “To be delivered from the slavery of these heresies, those whom the Merciful Love of My Son has Destined for this Restoration will need great will-power, perseverance, courage, and confidence in God. To try the faith and trust of these just
    ones, there will be times when all will seem lost and paralyzed. It will then be the Happy Beginning of the Complete Restoration…” – Our Lady of Good Success

  9. “Pray constantly, implore tirelessly, and weep bitter tears in the seclusion of your heart, beseeching the Eucharistic Heart of My Most Holy Son to take Pity on His Ministers and to end as soon as possible these unhappy times by sending to His Church the Prelate who shall restore the spirit of Her Priests.” – Our Lady of the Great Event, aka Our Lady of Good Success.

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