Archbishop Mueller warns that the Catholic Church is experiencing a Hostile Takeover

Editor’s Note: Seeing that the Archbishop was made a “cardinal” by the Hostile, I am interested to find the interview online where he said this.

Here is the full interview:

Many thanks to the reader who shared this in the comments.

Mueller basically calls Grech, the Bergoglian Cardinal in charge of the Synod process, a Modernist protestant, for saying that God is encountering the laity and therefore implying that doctrine can change. He also says that the Synodal process is a hostile takeover of the Catholic Church, which if not resisted, WILL destroy the Catholic Church. He says that Bergoglio’s steering committee is “dreaming of another religion”.

Finally, Archbishop Mueller admits that he is having difficulty reconciling the promise of Christ that the faith of Peter never fail with the pontificate of Pope Francis. –  It’s amazing to me, that it has taken him so long to realize it AND admit it publicly.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

11 thoughts on “Archbishop Mueller warns that the Catholic Church is experiencing a Hostile Takeover”

  1. Almost can’t stomach listening to anything about these heresies. There is NO such creature as a TRANS. And, one MUST CHOOSE TO LEAVE SINFUL LIVES TO EARN GOD’S GRACE. Disgusted by the whole situation and were it not for Pope Benedict XVI remaining alive to celebrate Mass, confession and the Blessed Sacrament; wouldn’t go to Church at all.

  2. Does this mean they are now being forced to worship idols or else be tortured?

    Is this God’s way of telling Archbishop how they offended Him? It may perhaps mean that millions died in 2020 in China.

  3. Quote: “Finally, Archbishop Mueller admits that he is having difficulty reconciling the promise of Christ that the faith of Peter never fail with the pontificate of Pope Francis. ”
    If Bergoglio’s faith is NOT the faith of Peter. One can conclude that (1) Jesus failed or (2) Bergoglio is NOT a true successor of Peter.

    I think I can safely select option (2) and wait for Jesus to sort this thing out since there is little I can do about it. I bet Our Lord is near and our liberation is at hand.

  4. Bergoglio is not the Pope.
    Let’s elect a Pope.
    Who should we elect?
    There are so many candidates …
    Let’s take a Pole … 🙄

      1. Of course Benedict XVI is the Pope. The line “let’s take a Pole” (instead of “poll”) alludes to John Paul II.

        I know. It’s a convoluted little joke. 🙂

  5. If Pope Benedict XVI dies, will these same cardinals elect again a pope?

    Is there in history where the real bishops did a hidden voting because a pope died due to martyrdom and persecution?

    1. At present no, because since they are all in schism, by electing another when he remains a pope, they are excommunciate in virtue of canon 1364 an have lost the dignity of Cardinals. Only if they return to pope Benedict XVI before his death.

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