The Amateur Historian who was inspired to find a Catholic King of England

Editor’s Note: Richard III suffered the ultimate denigration, when, on the occasion of his re-internment, a Catholic Mass was denied him, and he has to suffer an Anglican farce.

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3 thoughts on “The Amateur Historian who was inspired to find a Catholic King of England”

  1. Thank you for the article.
    An example how history is being rewritten over and over.
    What is realy true about our history?

  2. I’ve read probably 100 books on English history bc I realized that there are at least 2 main narratives involved in that circa 1400 1500 etc government change from Catholic to Protestant ism.
    hereditary king vs people electedruler. ( democracy).
    Its very complicated bc for over 50 yrs in England the great numbers of Jews exiled to England( 10000 + to England alone in 1492 , and to Holland etc by Isabella of Portugal ..they became secret protestants in these countries pknown as Murranos and eventually morphed into Pilgrims and Puritans in settling New Eng in recreate Israel in America. their words. not mine.
    1) the Protestant Revolt history, and2 )the Catholic and martyrdom history…and the dirty little secret is that the secret society of Freemasonry was behind the Henry 8th apostasy via his councilors Dudley, Seymour, etc all working to put Elizabeth on the throne to secure Protestantism which protected the Murranos and prot religion..

    Vs Isabellas pro Catholic view.. Interesting that in the Fatima message of 1917. one of the messages is that in Portugal the doctrine of the Faith will be kept.She was this country’s ( America )Queen after Columbus discovery, given by the Pope. in 1492.

    Our political leaders at the time of 1776 who fought for the independence of this country were Free m asons..who also fought for France 15 yrs later to be free of King Louis 16 and the maligned Marie Antoinette ….
    George Washington, a Freemason, recieved a key from the Bastille as a gratitude gift for our the Revolution.
    So, who hated Catholicism and Kings and Queens?
    Answer: The exiled Jews looking for a place where they could practice their religion without harassment and exile..
    Those Jewish families.. Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Kuhn Loeb, Schiffs, Dulles, .. etc run the worlds economies .They financed and thru Schiff and WallStreet Kuhn Loeb hired Communist agent Friedrich Engels to end the American Civil war…thru Lincoln.
    They planned the Bolshevik which they toppled the monarchy there.Were they behind WW2, and are they edging us toward WW3…using Putin and Zelensky as pawns in their game? Is America their target ?
    They were behind escalating Vietnam war in 1963. Pres Kennedy was getting America out of it. AlanDulles , head of CIA, went behind Kennedys back and escalated it. Kennedy was assassinated very soon after. So was Diem pres of S Vietnam.
    Theres a whole bunch of secret history we arent privy to, Pray. Pray, and..then Pray some more. Cause it stinks to High Heaven

    1. The Freemasons did not exist in the 16th century, they were founded in 1717. And I do not think the Jews of Spain converted or pretended to convert to Protestantism, since they preferred to lose so much rather than convert in Spain. However, from a historical point of view, the expulsion of Jews from Spain was not an unique historical occurrence. It had occurred many times in England, France, Germany and other nations, because in dealing with Christians the Jews did not observe the morals Christians expected on questions of interests, loans, etc.. and that led to gross exploitation of Christians by Jews. Yes, Christians were the victims there, not the perpetrators, contrary to what modern histories would relate. But the first protestants were clearly not Jews. However I do agree it should be studied what relation they had with Jews and whether the Jews who left Spain were involved in promoting dissent among Christians thereafter, because for the next 2 centuries there are horrible wars among Christians.

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