FRANCE: SSPX only ecclesiastical group which refused to cooperate in Pedo-Investigations

Editor’s Note: If you or a loved one has been sexually abused by a SSPX priest in France or anywhere else, you can notify victims-help groups such as this one, here below. — According to my informants, pedophilia in SSPX institutions is off the charts and has been so since the 70’s. — In my opinion, this has to do with the fact that the “Traditionalist” Movement is in large part a Gladio operation organized by the CIA and Nazi Ratlines and is NOT an authentic movement sponsored by the Holy Ghost. This also explains why the SSPX and nearly every TLM group clings to Bergoglio like a lover, and hates Benedict XVI who expelled more than 500 pedos from the priesthood. — The SSPX also has shut down nearly 90% of all the Latin Mass centers in the world, as they persue a policy of infiltation, take over, liquidation and consolidation as well as mind-control and harassment the world over.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

10 thoughts on “FRANCE: SSPX only ecclesiastical group which refused to cooperate in Pedo-Investigations”

  1. Abominable cover-up…These religious will burn unless they find some courage somewhere to seek forgiveness through our Lord Jesus Christ. Bergoglio must be expelled from the Papacy along with all those he’s installed as Cardinals…

  2. “SSPX also has shut down nearly 90% of all the Latin Mass centers in the world, as they persue a policy of infiltation, take over, liquidation and consolidation”

    Could please elaborate, maybe in an article? Did they close their own centres, or those of others? I personally observed quite the opposite. And good relationships with other priests. Maybe I was just (providentially) lucky.

    1. My remark regards the total number of sites of the TLM throughout the world founded by laypersons since 1965.

  3. “According to my informants, pedophilia in SSPX institutions is off the charts.” Who are your informants? This sounds like a smear.

    1. I have had friends since the 90’s, in the USA and Europe who have attended the SSPX chapels and I have read victims complaints which used to be able to be found on the internet. I have also visited SSPX foundations in Europe in several countries. But I cannot name my sources, because they would be persecuted. Oh yes, and the problem is also rife in UK foundations of the SSPX.

  4. I know that SSPX has been at least infiltrated from the beginning, but can you please direct us where we can learn about its connection to Operation Gladio? We know the CIA had a big hand in controlling and subverting Vatican II, and it by no means has stopped such subversion of all things Catholic. But where can we learn more about this dark, globalist, satanic involvement with SSPX — and SSPX with Gladio in particular? thank you

  5. I have plenty of reasons NOT to believe in Church Militant. I have some reasons to distrust the SSPX. Given the current circumstances I do not go to any churches that invoke the name of JMB the imposter in Rome. In the region I live, I was left out of what it used to be the Catholic Church. I only have my Rosary and my Crucifix now.

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