At the Commonwealth Games this year, Prince Charles presided over Satanic Ceremony

The speaker, a protestant, here believes that King Charles is the antichrist, head of a revived Babylonian Empire, and that the Antichrist’s reign is about to begin. — This errs, since, the Antichrist will be born of a Jewish mother, an ex-Catholic nun and of an apostate Catholic Bishop, as all the Fathers of the Church, who have spoken on this topic, have declared. — But otherwise, his exposition of what this ceremony may have meant, is very sound.

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13 thoughts on “At the Commonwealth Games this year, Prince Charles presided over Satanic Ceremony”

    Satan is a Zoroastrian myth
    “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempts he any man:
    But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away OF HIS OWN LUST, and ENTICED.
    Then when LUST HAS CONCEIVED it brings forth SIN: and SIN, when it is finished, brings forth DEATH”. [James 1:13-15]
    Stop with the Flip Wilson theology: “The Devil made me do it”!
    YOU TUBE: Flip Wilson on The Ed Sullivan Show
    Both Good & Evil are part of our makeup!
    They are choices we make and we don’t need an alien force {{E.T}, to make us do evil.
    “The priest is indeed another Christ, or in some way he is himself a continuation of Christ.” (Pope Pius XI, Encyclical on the Priesthood).

    “The priest on earth (is) another Christ.” (The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism.)

    “In this moment, the priest quite literally becomes Christ Himself.” (This is the Mass, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, Page 100)

    Now IMAGINE these priests buggering little boys and raping little girls!
    And you have Bishops and Cardinals doing it!

    Peter Damian (1007-1092) helped to place in motion the Gregorian Reform in the Church, which dealt with moral transgressions that were taking place at that time among the clergy. He wrote the Book of Gomorrah against the sin of SODOMY and offered the work to Pope St. Leo IX, who praised it in glowing terms. It is considered the main work on the topic in Catholic teaching.

    Peter Damian (1007-1092) REMEMBER THIS DATE!

  2. Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the Statue made of gold, silver, iron, bronze and clay for Daniel to interpret was always projected to be the final Kingdom or the New Babylon, I thought. And, the U.S. was always to fall under the British Empire in the New World Order in place in the End Time…As spoken of by a Priest in Philosophy one fine, early morning in college. This heresy against God literally causes nausea and a sinking of the heart…How deplorable and hateful. Great-Grandmother spoke to us as children and said we would live during the End Times and would have to be strong in the Lord as it would be both the worst and best part of all history. At any rate; have given ‘Three Days Darkness Candles’ and directions for the Rosary, Spiritual Warfare Prayers and Divine Mercy Chaplets to all family members baptized Catholic. What, Br. can you suggest we do for those loved ones around us who are not Catholic to prepare for this time in history?

    1. All you can do is pray.
      However I do recommend the blessed Green Scapular to aid you in converting your non-Catholic kith and kin. Read up on it!

      1. I have a better idea: set aside all you think you know, at present, & read the BIBLE, cover to cover, asking ONLY the Holy Spirit to open your understanding to what Yhwh God (as opposed to all the false deities called gods) has told us, that He wanted us to know. Jesus told us He provided us ALL that Yhwh God desires us to know, until He returns to dwell among us, after the Tribulation. Anything coming, from EVERY other source, that doesn’t align with the written Word is false, & to be rejected.

  3. Satan is a real being and the fallen Angel’s are also
    Catholic doctrine. No controversy.

  4. Bro. Bugnolo, my comment here is not meant to contradict you but just to add interest. In the book “The Plot Against the Church,” 1962, by the pre-Vat II Roman Curia (pen name Maurice Pinay), it is revealed how Jewish aristocrats intermarried British royals through the ages. Thus, if Eliz. II was a Jewish mother of King Charles, this would meet at least one of said requirements?

      1. Nor do I. However, it is remotely possible some slipped into her German forebears, before they married into the British line, when Victoria married Albert.

    1. But NOT the Biblical requirements, since the UK is no longer part of the “revived Roman Empire”, aka EU. There are others he doesn’t, at least as yet, fit either. ALWAYS look to Yhwh God’s written Word as the Authority, never a man’s!

      1. The revived Roman Empire theory is a post-biblical interpretation. In Scripture its capital is called Babylon, so it is more like the babylonian empire. In fact, 10 years ago, I had occasion to be permitted to enter the HQ of the Italian Republic’s Ministry of Culture for Archeology to see the statues of the late Roman empire which are never shown to the public. They were all grotesque babylonian gods. That is the religion that the Christians conquered of old. That is our enemy today.

  5. We still get one more chance. Last Warning. We are now governed by anti Christian forces. We now know and understand Revelations. Not Benedict will be restored to Petrine Ministry but his successor. Out of this worldchaos will come forth ten regions. At first headed by a holy king. Charles is setup to pretend to be antiChrist so people will think its all done now and not understand when it rehappens at a still whole lot worse scale.. because they will pretend it all happened already..

  6. Martin Luther married Katharina von Bora, a Cistercian nun who was 15 years his junior, in April 1523, they had five children.
    “The Antichrist will be born of a Jewish mother, an ex-Catholic nun and of an apostate Catholic Bishop, as all the Fathers of the Church, who have spoken on this topic, have declared.”
    All Christians are ‘spiritual Jews’ so in a sense this would allow Luther’s wife to be called ‘Jewish.’ Further Luther was an excommunicated priest who ordained and consecrated priests and bishops, thus making him an ‘apostate bishop.’ So technically Luther and von Bora meet the descriptions of the Fathers of The Church. Luther did establish the Protest church, aka Protestant.
    Is King Charles III the Antichrist? On his ascent to the Throne of (note) “The United Kingdom”, he publicly vowed to protect the Protestant Faith. His public behavior before, during and after his marriage to Princess Diana is certainly not one to be commended. He certainly has all the trappings of Antichrist, but it is my opinion that he is not.
    I’m still an old fashioned Catholic at heart with simple beliefs. I still believe what Our Blessed Mother said at LaSalette: “Rome will become the seat of the Antichrist.” (London is a long way from Rome).
    Fr a

    1. No, the Fathers of the Church when using Iudeaos, do not mean what we mean today by Jew, but mean to say a member of the ethnic group of Judea, that is a member of the tribe of Judha or Benjamin, descendents from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in the male line.

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