Monthly Archives: October 2022
ITALY: Final Covid-19 penalties to be removed by Meloni Government
This includes the exclusion of sanitary workers who are not vaxxed, and the financial penalties for everyone over 50 who refused the DeathVaxx. It does not include the cancellation of all fines during the Scamdemic for those who were held to be violating the facetious covid rules. — Getting unvaxxed doctors and nurses back to work, though they represent only 4% roughly of the workforce is now a necessity as recent reports of more than 500,000 Italians suffering sudden health events since Jan. 1, 2022 A. D. alone signals a massive DeathVaxx catastrophe in the country. Mueller says the Second Vatican Council is the cause of the downfall of the Church
Editor’s Note: FromRome.Info identifies the men given the position of Cardinals by Jorge Mario Bergoglio, with their previous ecclesiastical dignity, since this journal recognizes that Pope Benedict XVI, the only one who an make a man a cardinal, has not by any juridical act raised them to such a status.
Archbishop Viganò denounces the Globalist coup d’état since 2020
This video was made in March 2022.
Il Comitato per la Liberazione di Papa Benedetto XVI
Questa sera è stato appena messa in trasmissione su Radio Roma (Rumble, Website), l’intervistsa di Frà Bugnolo spiegando il nostro comitato. Per contattarci, si puo lasciare un commento (non sarà pubblicato) qui sotto.
Questa intervista sarà in onda di nuovo al mezzogiorno, domani il 29/10, a Roma, su canale 14 in Lazio, e visibile in tutta l’Italia, alle 12,00 e 17,00.
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Br. Bugnolo was interviewed in Italian by Matteo De Micheli, on Channel 14, here at Rome, tonight — a transmission which will be aired again, tomorrow at Noon, and repeated on several other occasions. By Monday or Tuesday, it will be available on Rumble (HERE) and will publish the link. (Graphic c/o Channel 14 – Radio Roma TV (Website))
This interview represents the first time, at Rome, that the discussion of Pope Benedict XVI’s Declaratio, on Feb. 11, 2013, is confronted on the political level, with the proposal of our Committee being, to convince the Italian Parliament to open an investigation into the events of 2013 at the Vatican, on the grounds that, the Italian Republic, by means of its diplomatic agreements with Vatican City is obliged to recognize only the legitimate governments of that city state.
Our Committee proposes that each house of Parliament form an investigatory committee and hear public testimony, and if it be found, that there is any reasonable grounds to doubt that the government of Jorge Mario Bergoglio is legitimate, to ask the Catholic Bishops of the ecclesiastical province of Rome, to convene a Provincial Council, as they did at Sutri in 1046 A. D., to determine who is the true pope, and to depose the false claimant. As such, we advocate the protection of the rights of all parties, both in civil and ecclesiastical law via the public exposition of the truth, which can harm no one.
Needless to say, this program, and our committee understand that our effort on behalf of the rights of Catholics in Italy and throughout the world is of the utmost importance. And we ask the prayers and support of Catholics in all countries, as we seek a canonical resolution to this controversy. To support us, see here.
AUSTRALIA: Bergoglian Archbishop of Syndey expels Catholics from Church property
Were the celebrity Converts of Archbishop Fulton Sheen for real?
Diego Fusaro: The “Pontificate” of Bergoglio is a hammer to destroy everything Sacred in the Church
Editor’s Note: This lecture is a short but complete and masterful philosophical explanation of what Bergoglio stands for and why Benedict XVI had to be driven out of power. — The speaker is one of the more popular Hegelian Philosophers of Italy, who has finally understood deeply what is at stake if Bergoglio is left in power. It is not a battle of civilizations, but of civilization against chaos. — To follow in your language, watch on YouTube, and turn on CC (Closed Captioning, set to your languag
President Zelensky gives Italians some reasons they should help defend Ukraine
Editor’s Note: Excellent comments here. If this makes you puke, then keep watching it until all the Russian Propaganda is coughed up.
Archbishop Viganò denounces the Anti-Church installed since Vatican II
Editor’s Note: The Archbishop has nearly completed connecting all the dots. He has yet to say in public, however, the whole truth, that the anti-Church originates in a state intervention project run by the U.S. Department of Defense and is maintained through an extensive system of state sponsored bribery and threats.
Meme of the Week: Ayn Rand, “The ultimate inversion”
Former White House Spokeswoman denounced by own 4 year old
Elon Musk sacks Hindu Head of Censorship at Twitter
This was part of a top management sacking….. Yuval Harari: The Globalist Elite are working to save themselves, but let the world drown
Dr. Robert Malone holds that it was very bad judgment, not intentional Genocide
Editor’s Note: For the sake of open discussion, I post this long article by Dr. Robert Malone, who has a lot of inside knowledge about how the DeathVaxxes were ideated, developed, purposed etc.. What I find not credible in this account, is the apparent attempt to admit everything in the narrative but that the DeathVaxx was a bio-weapon intended to genocide humanity. But perhaps that is a level of knowledge which can only be obtained through inferential analysis and reading other sources to which Dr. Malone is not personally able to testify. — As someone who has studied ethics and moral philosophy, I can assure you that beyond a certain level of ignorance, one not only has to presume malice of aforethought, but it could not otherwise exist but by malice of aforethought.
Anyhow, it appears there is a lot of information in this article, and it’s worth a read.
An American Conservative begins to confront the facts that Benedict XVI is still the pope
True Devotion to Christ the King will require radical renewal of Catholics’ Faith
Reprinted from May 2022
In this video, Brother Bugnolo talks about the profound diminution of the Catholic Faith which occurred as a result of the French Revolution, and how what is being presented to us in modern times, as the way back, is for the most part a pitiful characterization of the pre-Revolutionary Catholic Faith.
See the original letter by Br. Bugnolo, here, along with his critical note about this video.
Meet Putin’s Jewish God-daughter
Her biography confirming her Jewish ancestry, via her mother, can be found on Wikipedia:
Has PayPal’s $2500 Fine on Free Speech returned?
But, it is actually worse: