FromRome.Info agrees. We have more than 3000 articles which cover the crimes committed, and we will never forget nor forgive, because pyschopaths like this do not belong in government. They are worse than any criminal organization of mafia.
Why is there such a discussion right now? Well, a leading publication of Skull and Bones Lodge in the USA, The Atlantic Magazine, is pleading for humanity to forgive their agents for what they did during the Scamdemic. And the push back is huge:
UPDATE: The Atlantic’s article is now available online:
During the Nürnberg tribunals, death penalties were given to people who just followed orders.
That’s how scum should be treated.
Crocodile tears because they shed salt.
This one shed tears because they sweat from their eyes.
Everything done online has no sign of sincerity, much less remorse.
If no one gives justice, unfortunately they will proceed with war.
World War 3.
The Nuremberg Tribunals only ended with imprisoning 12 War Criminals for life and implementing Capital Punishment for 10. Had the Tribunals went after, imprisoned and killed those supporting, financing and gaining wealth from the war…Including the Rothschilds, relgious zealots, Corporate/BANKER Cabal and fanatic Aristocracy and their Prostitute Politicians…We would not be dealing with this Mobocracy in this current time. THEY WERE AND WE ARE INSANE to not have went after all involved. WE ARE INSANE TO NOT GO AFTER all the Philanthropaths and Psychos RIGHT NOW…Just let them go on with the disgusting TYRANNY, genocide, crises and chaos forever.
Agreed. “Odessa” enabled quite a few of the criminals to escape to nations, where there were no extradition agreements, before the official end, or we were able to round them up,or both. Others were deemed “too useful” to prosecute (Werner vonBraun, et al), and other ridiculous excuses. It was just as bad in Japan. But who we really needed was the PTB, who fomented, & profited handsomely from, WW I, WW II, and will as well, from WW III; who instituted this evil “scamdemic”, and all attached to it; and who are manipulating nations and peoples like chess pieces for their amusement! Most of those, sadly, are so well buried behind layers of flunkies, it’s next to impossible to identify them, let alone garner sufficient evidence against THEM specifically. The names we know are more like mid-level management, not the reall “bosses”.
mixed feelings: on the one hand: yes they deserve to be punished harshly.
On the other hand there is this: don’t judge, lest thou be judged.
Judging is the prerogative of God and Archangel Michael.
The globalist criminal psycopaths have all violated the Fifth Commandment. Holy Mother Church’s traditional teaching has always acknowledged the need for the Death Penalty in appropriate circumstances. CCC 2266 confirms this; CCC’s 2258-2283 cover all aspects of ‘wilful murder’ i.e. the 1st of the “Four Sins Crying to Heaven for Vengeance”. GOD will not be mocked…….!!