5 thoughts on “UK: Bank Chip implants now available for those who want to go cashless”

  1. All these little chips leading people toward passive acceptance of a guaranteed “ticket to Hell”, and slavery to gov’t, ’til they go… Satan & his minions certainly are busy little boys & girls…

  2. If you read the current news, the banks in Europe are also implementing “Token currency”, which replaces fiat currency.

    Cash would be deemed useless once it is implemented, and the unvaccinated will pay with nothing except for gold and silver ( which the WEF covets for building their nanobots ).

  3. Nobody sane would succumb to such tyranny as this chipping. Convenience of opening a door or no necessity of carrying a wallet? People having such poor priorities in life deserve to go to hell for selling-out God and themselves to evil. What ignorant and spoiled, soft, insane snowflakes humans have become.

  4. It was announced here in the UK that we have until the end of the year to use up or turn in our domestic postage stamps — to be replaced by postage stamps with bar code: So that our snail mail can be traced and tracked “securely” from known sender to known recipient.
    Nobody’s upset about this. It’s not even news.
    If you want to send a private message to someone unbeknownst to the gumment , you must write or typewrite it on paper, and send it by private courier or homing pigeon.

    1. Or a Catholic Postal boy that will deliver letters to us.
      I believe many became orphans during this innoculations so it is a good time to train them now to work, rather than have them enslaved by the Government demons.

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