Bergoglio says blood-thirsty Pro-Abort adds “a little more humanity” to Pontifical Council

 Editor’s Note: Don’t ignore how psychopaths use language before, during, or after they participate in mass murder or genocide.

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2 thoughts on “Bergoglio says blood-thirsty Pro-Abort adds “a little more humanity” to Pontifical Council”

  1. Just curious… what about the humanity of that priceless baby Yhwh God has known since before conception? How is that “added to”, by anyone bent on murdering babies in utero??? As an old RN, and Bible believing Christian, I can’t see how that can possibly work, particularly when those people advocating those murders continue to deny that baby IS a baby they are murdering so horribly, in ways that, if used on a convicted violent felon, would be decried vehemently, so loud the astronauts would need no audio equipment to hear it!

    1. In Catholic teaching, the use of any device or chemical or drug to kill a child conceived in the womb, is murder. Even certain practices that some women do after a potential act of conception, to prevent conception, is gravely immoral.

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