The famous Jewish actor and humorist Gad Elmaleh, beloved in France, announced his conversion to the Catholic faith, a process in which he says the Virgin Mary played a crucial role.
— Catholic World Report (@cworldreport) November 11, 2022
22 thoughts on “FRANCE: Gad Elmaleh converts to the Catholic Faith with help of the Holy Virgin”
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God bless him, now the real warfare begins in his life!
This is the Armaggedon, all recruits are now being enlisted on both sides.
MARIA SANTISSIMA ❤️ sceglie i migliori ☺️ One of my favourites also !
I do not know if this has a link with his conversion, but he’s got a child with Charlotte Casiraghi some years ago (princess of Monaco).
Apart from that, it’s something absolutely new in the movie industry (in France the ones who own it are the same as in the US).. I still doubt the sincerity of it, but who knows.. Everyone has the right to be himself.. is that not the “message” nowadays?
Maybe he had to convert to separate from his genuine religion and community.
I’m catholic in my heart and christian in my civilization without feeling the need to be baptized, but this is another story!
Better to be baptized, so as to be cleansed with that water which caused Cathedrals to rise, Kingdoms to be held together, and the greatest works of art in music, stone, color and glass to sprout up everywhere… for to reject that water would be to reject its fruits…
Thank you for your answer 🙂
Yes I know. I do consider myself as more catholic than a lot of catholics. Because I do apply the precepts “naturally” in my life (and that, from the very beginning). I recognize what is antichristic (president of my country and the rest) since always.. That’s also why I come here!
Vertue, kindness and cleverness. If I did not decide to do it, it’s because I did not find a priest trustable enough (in my eyes).. because the masses where I’ve gone in my country were so much disappointing (and ennoying and.. were stupid propaganda copied from the MSM)! So, I “practice” in my way. I love the churches in my country, I always go inside, every single small village where I go. I hope it will be on the good way again.. because after all, it is “the eldest daughter of the church” ;).
More Catholic than a lot of Catholics? Wow
“Apart from that, it’s something absolutely new in the movie industry (in France the ones who own it are the same as in the US).. I still doubt the sincerity of it..”
I agree with you, I too doubt the sincerity of it.
It is a major RED FLAG that the movie industry in France, the ones who own it are the same in the US, has already made a movie of his conversion which will be used to brainwash the world as if this was a classic textbook case of conversion. This is a calculated well-planned “conversion” with potential sinister agenda like most movies have. When the Globalists plan something, be aware and BEWARE of their ulterior motives.
That photo of his in CWR with Our Lady of Lourdes is troublesome.
Really, a stand-up comedian in a bar will now lead obtuse Catholics to Lourdes? What an insult to Saint Bernadette.
St. Bernadette’s picture should be the only one worthy to be beside Our Lady and she should be the only one to lead people to Lourdes with her incorruptible body.
Our Lady has always appeared and used simple, humble, poor girls and women as Her seers and messengers, Therefore this new “convert” who has only rubbed shoulders with the rich and famous, and royalty (he has a child with Princess Charlotte of Monaco) and wealthy Globalists, who is a stand-up comedian and a two-faced entertainer from a bar should not be associated with Our Lady of Lourdes.
Learn from History so as not to repeat it!
Read more
Dear Brother Bugnolo, thank you for your reply. Yes I know. But I did not meet yet a “trustable” priest in my country yet. The masses I’ve attended were disappointing and so much ennoying and ‘main stream”. That’s why I come here.
I consider myself as more catholic than a lot of catholics around me.. in my country. Simply for example by the fact that I’ve always recognized what is evil, antichristic. The recent terrifying events and mass manipulations were a revelation of the fact that most people were not able to see just what is evil and what is dangerous for themselves or for what is the most important.
That’s why I just keep on trying to be someone good, kind and clever in my everyday life, without dogma but with a true catholic heart.
And I hope that my country will help to the Truth one day again because after all, it is the “eldest daughter of the Church” ;-).
Moi, without Dogma, there is no true Catholic life. I highly recommend
Thank you Brother Bugnolo.
BEWARE of Catholic converts!
Catholic converts have done the worst and most damages in the Roman Catholic Church in the 20th Century. The aftermaths of their havoc are being experiencing in the 21st Century, read the proofs of evil Catholic converts in these free e Books:
1) AA-1025 Memoirs of An Anti-Apostle
This KGB agent became a Catholic priest and he chronicled his genius behind many of the destruction in the Liturgy of the Mass, the sacraments, and radical changes in Catholic doctrines which were implemented in Vatican II and their aftermaths which we are witnessing before our very eyes today! (FREE eBook)
2) The Plot Against Christianity by Elizabeth Dilling – America’s Joan of Arc (FREE eBook)
3) The Plot Against Christianity by Maurice Pinay
This book gives the foundation of communism and Freemasonry and how they infiltrated the Catholic Church through converts as Catholic imposters. (FREE eBook)
Gad Elmaleh utters Freemasonry Code!
In his most recent interview on November 10, 2022, Gad Elmaleh already used the Freemason Code of “fraternity.”
In the interview, Elmaleh recounted that he saw an image of the Mother of God “when I was a boy in Morocco, in Casablanca, where there were Christians, Jews, Muslims, a country that’s an example of incredible fraternity; but at the same time a certain taboo with Christianity and the churches.” —
Hollywood belongs to the Globalists.
Now why would they produce a movie about Gad Elmaleh’s conversion to Catholicism? Could they they have an ulterior motive behind it?
BEWARE, Catholics, BEWARE of Catholic converts!
Gad Elmaleh is a suspicious Catholic convert.
Boycott his Hollywood Globalists’ movie about his suspicious conversion.
For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. (Matthew 24:24 DRB)
All saints after Vatican II are suspicious, and so are all Catholic converts suspicious.
Catholic Patriots! Call on the authentic Saints in Heaven!!!
It is better for Catholics to go back to the saints BEFORE Vatican II that was a COUNTERFEIT CHURCH.
Counterfeit Catholicism:
The Inside Story of the Second Vatican Council —
We do not need a stand-up comedian in a bar where he has spent all his adult life to tell us he saw a vision of Mary to fool us…again…like all the other Catholic converts before him!
Here are the free books of 2 of the greatest saints who wrote about Mary.
St. Louis de Montfort.
True Devotion to Mary
St. Alphonsus Ligouri
The Glories of Mary
His conversion is not a threat in of itself. And by no means should the mere fact that anyone converts make him an authority on anything.
The litmus tests will be if he will be stand beside false-Pope Francis in promoting COEXIST, if he will be the promoter and tour guide to the 3-faith shrine in Abu Dhabi, and if he will promote the climate change hoax which the Globalists are already doing non-stop at the Vatican because the new One World Religion of the New World Order is the Green Gospel of evil-Pope Francis.
Green Gospel: The New World Religion
His claim of a vision of Our Lady is very suspicious because the Globalists will now use Her name in vain to further deceive gullible obtuse Catholics. The future will tell, but we need to be very cautious about promoting his conversion (considering the track record of what his race has done to destroy the Church) and he is already being treated like a living celebrity saint, imagine that, with a Hollywood movie on his conversion. The guy is a stand-up comedian in a bar all his life and now suddenly he is a bonafide theologian? Give me a break!
If he will promote Pachamama which false-Pope Francis is planning to enshrine in Lourdes —— see his photo in the article ——- then he is another Catholic convert hoax and another Catholic imposter who’s being used to finish off the destruction of the Church started by his predecessors in Vatican II.
The Plot Against the Church (his predecessors)
FYI an internet “professor” of the jewish religion (who sometimes takes position against the NWO) is criticizing the conversion of GadElmaleh.
Just to say, Gad Elmaleh is a french speaking sepharade born in Morrocco and who has lived his childhood in Quebec.
Again, I don’t know if this conversion is sincere, but some of the jewish frenchs are defending catholicism because of the muslim threat in France (only due to mass immigration). The ex presidency candidate Eric Zemmour is on the same path but didn’t dare (or want or need) to convert, but is truly spread with emotion while discovering what is really France made of: deeply catholic (even the “laicists”!). 😉
Moi, Thanks for the info and link, please post some more links if you find them.
This Gad “conversion” will be a major tool of the Globalists to deceive the world. The fact that he has already made a movie of his conversion is a major red flag. Movie contracts are not that easy to come by except through Globalists henchmen like Harvey Weinstein. Movies are Hollywood deceptive scripts meant to brainwash the world with the sinister hidden agenda of the Globalists.
Can you tell us more about “but some of the jewish frenchs are defending catholicism because of the muslim threat in France (only due to mass immigration).” Why would they “defend” Catholicism (since it is their enemy as this video clearly says)?
Also, in the YT video, the rabbi is asking Gad to return to the original religion of his birth and childhood and he points out the “wrong” things in Christianity.
This is proof that this Gad “conversion” could be a very clever ploy to destroy Christianity further by giving the rabbis a legitimate open platform to openly criticize (and condemn) Our Lady and other key elements of the Catholic faith through Gad’s conversion. This is a classic case of controlled-opposition! Read about controlled opposition here
They disparage Our Lady and Our Lord with many blasphemous names
Whoever controls MSM controls the world!
BEWARE, Catholics, of those who , through MSM, say they saw an apparition of Our Lady especially if they are two-faced well-paid actors paid by the Globalists Mammon!
This the original French version of AA-1025 The Memoirs of An Anti-Apostle. (Free eBook)
This will show you why you have “not meet yet a “trustable” priest in my country yet. The masses I’ve attended were disappointing and so much ennoying and ‘main stream”.
Let me know what you think of the (short) book.
Hello, actually he is promoting a movie where he announces his conversion to his parents. His real parents play their own role in the movie!! Maybe the answer is in that movie. If I earn a ticket, I’ll watch it and come back to you 😉
Hi Moi, If his parents are in the movie, that’s even worse, that’s 3 RED FLAGS! This will be a massive deception in the Catholic Church of France (just a prediction!)
The purpose of the movie is to promote the Jewish religion through the conversion of Gad Elmaleh into the Catholic religion.
The purpose is to “inform” the Catholics about the Jewish religion (not the other way around.)
When you go to watch the movie, note how much more prominent it will show the Jewish religion and very little about the Catholic religion.
Count how many scenes are Jewish vs. how many scenes are Catholic.
Count how many times it will mention the Talmud vs. how many times the Bible.
Have fun!
Did you read the ES-1025 Les Mémoires d’un Anti-Apôtre? (Free eBook)
It’s the original French version of AA-1025 The Memoirs of An Anti-Apostle. This book will help you understand why there are so many bad priests today and why there are so many Catholic imposters who are fake converts who infiltrated the Catholic Church to destroy her from the inside!
Saint Joan or Arc and Saint Therese of Lisieux, patronesses of France, pray for us. All the Saints of France, intercede for us. Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Here are recent videos of Gad Elmaleh and his interviews on his new French movie about his so-called conversion to the Catholic Faith in many famous French TV channels including a visit to the Prince of Monaco with his mother. This is a Globalists agenda that is very fishy….
Gad Elmaleh interviews
(use Google Translate to translate their transcript)
“Reste un peu”. La Foi de Gad Elmaleh
Gad Elmaleh a vu la Vierge – L’invité de Sonia Devillers
— France Inter
GAD ELMALEH : son histoire avec la Vierge Marie ✝️
— Figaro Live
Gad Elmaleh et sa maman en visite chez le Prince de Monaco
— Vivement Dimanche 13 novembre 2022
Interview de Gad Elmaleh pour Reste un peu
— RCF Alsace
Il y a quelques jours, Gad Elmaleh était à Strasbourg pour présenter son dernier film : Reste un Peu. RCF Alsace est allé à la rencontre du comédien pour en parler !
— frère Paul Adrien
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