English Language News Summary about this Controversy in Video Format:
Link to previous reports:
Br. Bugnolo’s Interview of Andrea Cionci on the night after the Letter’s were published (with English Summary Video)
Cionci’s Article on the Fake Letter with further elucidations
Archbishop Ganswein’s Denials of the Letters
00:29:03 «con chi celebra Bapa Benedetto?».
– Si all’espediente rettorico di Mons. Ganswein nella telefonata circa la Santa Messa;
ma anche
– a LUMSA: «Allora: Prima di venire qui ho pregato con Papa Benedetto, “come ogni sacerdote cattolico lo fa, i vespri”».
min. 00:00:44
– Sacrificio Eucaristico e
– Divinum Officium
As is so often the case, you have provided a detailed, lucid explanation of this affair. Thank you, Brother Bugnolo.
I read your various works and listen to you regularly. You have a distinct voice, and your influence travels further than your view counts might lead you to believe.
I am grateful for you, and I am not alone in this regard. There are many. On behalf of all of us, thank you.
We live in a satanic age, Brother, where we battle over who might legitimately author truth. Stay in the battle, Brother.
Something strange is going on today. Several bloggers are warning.
Climate Conference Egypt: Proclamation of a global climate religion planned
Unnoticed by the public, a sensational scenario is being prepared at the current climate conference COP 27 in Egypt.
While the UN has published the schedule of the individual conference days everywhere, a gap remains: We find nothing about Sunday, 13 November 2022. The day is not even mentioned.
But what is really planned? There are concrete indications that all the high spiritual religious leaders of the earth, many of whom are currently in Egypt, will travel to Mount Sinai to receive new global rules, also called the “Ten Commandments”, where Moses once received God’s Ten Commandments. These are to become binding for the whole world!
Between today an Christmass are 40 days.
The main initiator is the organisation “Interfaith”: https://interfaithsustain.com/