USA: Senator Menendez condemns Biden Government for supporting persecutors of Christian Armenia

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7 thoughts on “USA: Senator Menendez condemns Biden Government for supporting persecutors of Christian Armenia”

  1. Unfortunately, the Oklahoma National Guard is complicit because of their participation in the Military assistance to Azerbaijan thru the US state partnership program. By continued support the people of Oklahoma and their congressional delegation are approving the genocide in Armenia by the Azerbaijani government.

    1. That’s a little unfair to the Guardsmen and OK citizens; they were ordered there, immorally, but NOT unlawfully. The UCMJ allows for refusing to obey only unlawful or unlawfully given orders, not immoral ones, unfortunately.
      As for Mr Menendez ( I will not call that crook “honorable” or Senator!), I fail to see how he has “wiggle room” to call anyone out for anything! The only reason he’s NOT in prison is that Satan covers his own, while they’re useful to him.

  2. back story of PINAKA is interesting. It was used to destroy the 3 cities of the demons by lord Shiva at the urging of good guys. That would be akin to DC London and Rome in the present times? Refer Tripurantaka entry in wikipedia.

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