The “Clots” caused by the DeathVaxx are bio-synthetic structures intentionally added

This video refers to this report:

Take-Aways — Vaccines have been engineered to kill to prepare for the Scamdemic for long before 2020. — The DeathVaxxes cause the recently vaccinated to shed droplets of carcinogenic peptides in the air, which can cause cancer in the lungs of all who breathe them in. — 50 Million Americans might die from the Covid “Vaccine” roll-out. — Dr. Mikovitis says her daughter-in-law was murdered two weeks after she spoke against the DeathVaxxes in August of 2021, implying that it was retribution. — The DeathVaxxes are causing still-births by attacking the protein which causes children to cling to the wombs of their mothers.

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6 thoughts on “The “Clots” caused by the DeathVaxx are bio-synthetic structures intentionally added”

  1. Ma nemmeno possiamo credere a tutto ciò che viene detto. Ogni giorno se ne scrive e dice una nuova.. Io rimarrei cauto e con i piedi a terra. Ci sono troppe fake news

    Saluti a Fr. Bugnolo

  2. The fibrous critters that grow into those “clots” are visible under standard microscopy in the solutions of all 3 strains used here (Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J). They were the reason for keeing the solutions colder than standard refrigeration; to keep them from growing in the vials, becoming too large to inject. More than 1 pathologist and mortician who, having removed the occlusive critters and stored them, reported they continued growing after being removed, at least for a time.

  3. This is why Dr Stefano Scoglio’s evidence (as per the video you recently posted) is so important. Transmission of bio-particles, whether viruses, spike protein or mRNA is complete fabrication and misdirection designed to get everyone at each other’s throats. In this paradigm there is no room for virtue as Karen, anxious about catching flu from antivaxxers is no different from an antivaxxer paranoid about spike protein shedding. New Age medics are as dangerous in their way as the WHO pharmakeia practitioners, the former is satanic, the latter Luciferian and both are pursuing the dialectic designed to usher-in the Age of Aquarius via societal deconstruction.

  4. Correction:

    This is why Dr Stefano Scoglio’s evidence (as per the video you recently posted) is so important. Transmission of bio-particles, whether viruses, spike protein or mRNA is complete fabrication and misdirection designed to get everyone at each other’s throats. In this paradigm there is no room for virtue as Karen, anxious about catching flu from antivaxxers is no different from an antivaxxer paranoid about spike protein shedding. New Age medics are as dangerous in their way as the WHO pharmakeia practitioners, the former are Luciferian the latter Satanic and both are pursuing the dialectic designed to usher-in the Age of Aquarius via societal deconstruction and reconstruction in their desired image.

    1. Dr. Scoglio’s critique must be kept in mind, but it was only a critique. He has not proven by experimentation the non existence of these things. He just showed that the narratives should be doubted. Viruses have never been proved to cause disease, but exosomes do exist. La Quinta says there is graphene oxide and hydrogel, but they could not find mRNA — unless I missed some report. Any MD claiming to be in the opposition by still claiming the covid virus exists in nature, is either clueless or an intentionally liar. But as for the spike protein: proteins can be designed and synthesized in the laboratory, and bacteria can be genetically altered to produce proteins and peptides. That these things can be injected no one disputes. That mRNA exists is a proven scientific fact. But if mRNA could circulate in your blood and be exuded in bodily fluids and change the DNA of another human, is to be doubted, because if so, wives and husbands would be genetically altering one another from the dawn of time. MRNA is must too unstable. But venom peptides are not so, and they could be exuded in bodily fluids, because that is how venom gets from a snake into its victim. And if venom peptides are in those who are DeathVaxxed because the shot, whether physically or through mRNA technology, shedding is a real issue.

  5. GOD bless & protect Dr Mikovits.
    She has been, consistently, one of the most profound & sincere truth-tellers from the start of the scamdemic in early 2020.

    She “nails it” when asked about Dr Malone’s critique[s] of ‘Died Suddenly’ in the way she describes that he, along with many other very experienced biologists/scientists cannot come to terms with the apocalyptic level of evil which has used their ground-breaking and positive discoveries for a manifest global holocaust, a very real depopulation agenda happening right now!!

    Dr Mikovits’ revelations about the toxic contents of every vaccine for the last two decades prior to the scamdemic should, surely, convince anyone to NEVER, ever, submit to another ‘inoculation’ whilst the demonic globalist/pharmaceutrical/military/industrial cabal is still ‘alive & kicking’!!!

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