ARGENTINA: Anti-Pope’s favorite President / VP sentenced to 6 years prison

Editor’s Note: Last time she visited, Bergoglio kissed her.

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3 thoughts on “ARGENTINA: Anti-Pope’s favorite President / VP sentenced to 6 years prison”

    There is a country in the World where there is
    (NOT like in ITALY where Constitutional Court…)

    Benjamin Solari Parravicini wrote in a “Psicografia”..
    “La Argentina debe prepararse a Sufrir, tendran unos
    mandones que la reduciran a un comunismo de corte
    fascista – La muerte correrà por sus calles y caminos.”

  2. Six years and no returning of the stolen goods. Considering that the crook is not going to spend a single day in jail … that is not a bad deal. Honest people are now rare in Argentina that has turned into a country of crooks. My uncle was a minister in the government of Arturo Illia, the last honest president the country had. Ongania deposed that government on orders by Peron exiled abroad. Pay attention to the prophecies of St. Luigi Orione predicting the downfall of the crooks. It will happen soon I am sure. Soon they will be with Peron: forever.

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