Summary and commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
In a lawsuit regarding workers rights here in Italy, the plantiff has convinced the judge to order the forensic analysis of the DeathVaxx. This landmark decision is the firs of its kind in Italy and is likely to produce results which will overturn the entire DeathVax campaign in the territory of the Italian Republic, if not world wide.
The plaintiff, a 50 year old worker who was diagnosed with Covid-19 and recovered, is asking the court to be exempted from the DeathVaxx requirement of the worker’s employer.
The civil case is being heard by the Tribunal of Pesaro, on the backside of the leg of the Italian peninsula.
Attorney Nicoletta Morante, who represents the plaintiff has succeeded in convincing the court, that if the Covid-19 Vaccine does not contain a truly scientific solution to the threat of Covid that her client should not be penalized by the State and their employer.
A forensic laboratory will now examine vials of the vaccine and report its findings to the Court.
And those findings — as we know from studies done world wide — are apt to be explosive.
How long does such a project take in Italy?
Here, in the Netherlands, it can takes years, when it is not this controversial.
I can imagine that it could take forever, when it is mass murder on a never seen scale.
I imagine only a few weeks. But you can imagine the pressure that will be put on the lab to find nothing.
So far as I’m aware, this is a first anywhere, to order a forensic examination of any of those solutions. Given the globalist attitude and control, I expect a massive effort to stop that. Here in the US, Bill Gates has just been names to liase with WHO as our “jabs czar”, effectively. He is an incredibly evil man whose vaxx programs have been harming people in Africa and Asia for a couple of decades or so, and will almostcertainly put his two cents in via WHO. I pray your new leadership are up to this battle, as well as the lawyer and client, because it will be vicious.