14 thoughts on “A Final Visit”

  1. The video is already “no longer available’……… 10:32 EST

    Can you post it directly on your website?

  2. I was unable to access this video from the link above. But I found it by going directly to your YouTube channel.

    Thank you for documenting this Br. Bugnolo.
    And God bless you.

  3. Wow!!
    For those of us who have never been to Italy, never mind inside the walls of St. Peter’s Basilica, this was a profoundly humbling and moving experience, but also inspiring.
    The many thousands of faithful Italians, together with a few assorted visitors from other countries, seemed absolutely united in their love and respect for Pope Benedict XVI and I am sure that the majority of them recognised him as the one true Holy Father since the Spring of 2013.

    THANKYOU so much, Brother Alexis, for giving us this memorable experience and, indeed, far eclipsing any other English-speaking Catholic media that may have been present. This has really “sorted the wheat from the chaff” amongst Catholic apostolates…….

    May Almighty GOD bless & protect you at all times.
    Pax tecum.

  4. Thank you, Brother, for doing this for all of us – and what you are risking to keep us informed!

  5. Bro. Bugnolo, Thanks so much for all the live coverage you are giving from Rome. Thank you for sharing your faith and your dedication to Holy Mother Church and for your untiring work for the salvation of souls.

    May Archangel Michael protect you and AJ from the Enemies of the Church, the you-know-who.

    Your videos with AJ in Ordo Militaris Radio TV are classics that will go down the ages. https://www.ordo-militaris.net/previous-shows/

    ALL CATHOLICS MUST WATCH your series especially:

    “Frankism, Judaism & Catholicism: The need for transparency in Catholic Media”

    “Fr. Pavone has run into the Ecclesiastical Mafia — But what is that?”

    ITALY: Bannon successfully defends against fraud case in Trisulti Monastery lease

    The Church and the Catholic Media are infested with infiltrators, communists, and deceivers that started with:
    The Plot Against the Church http://holywar.org/txt/pinay/default.htm (Free eBook)
    http://come-and-hear.com/dilling/ (FREE eBook)

    AA-1025 The Memoirs of An Anti-Apostle https://ia802601.us.archive.org/32/items/Aa-1025TheMemoirsOfAnAnti-apostle/Aa-1025TheMemoirsOfAnAnti-apostle.pdf (FREE eBook)

    Whoever controls MSM controls the world! http://themillenniumreport.com/2014/10/who-really-controls-the-mainstream-media/
    Who owns the media https://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=2231

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