26 thoughts on “From the death of Benedict to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart”

  1. WOW! You clinch it, Bro. Bugnolo! Indeed, until the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart! BRAVO!

    You are quite a visionary which those Catholic controlled-resistance journalists cannot comprehend because they are blinded by the money of the Globalists who are paying and controlling them.

    The MSM journalists have now descended in Rome to spill their venom of deception to the world while capitalizing on the fame of Benedict XVI.
    Whoever controls MSM controls the world! http://themillenniumreport.com/2014/10/who-really-controls-the-mainstream-media/
    Who owns the media https://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=2231

    ALL Americans and the whole world MUST WATCH the Ordo Militaris Radio TV investigative series especially on famous pundits in Catholic Media and in MSM :

    “Frankism, Judaism & Catholicism: The need for transparency in Catholic Media” (About Taylor Marshall, Michael Matt, Eric Sammons of 1 Peter 5, et al)


    and many more at Ordo Militaris Radio TV https://www.ordo-militaris.net/previous-shows/

    This video by Bro. Bugnolo boldly sums up the corruption in the Vatican and in priestly organizations and the Tradies.
    “Fr. Pavone has run into the Ecclesiastical Mafia — But what is that?”


    The Catholic Media is infested with fake converts and well-paid Masonic Pied Pipers paving for the One-World Religion Church, who are also “usurping” gullible Catholics’ millions of dollars.
    They infiltrated the Church to pave for the Council of Vatican II from 1963-1965.
    The Plot Against the Church http://holywar.org/txt/pinay/default.htm (Free eBook)
    and http://come-and-hear.com/dilling/ (FREE eBook)

    AA-1025 The Memoirs of An Anti-Apostle https://ia802601.us.archive.org/32/items/Aa-1025TheMemoirsOfAnAnti-apostle/Aa-1025TheMemoirsOfAnAnti-apostle.pdf (FREE eBook)

    ITALY: Bannon successfully defends against fraud case in Trisulti Monastery lease

    Dr. Jane Ruby interviews Br. Bugnolo on the Death of Pope Benedict XVI

  2. If Bergoglio were smart, he would realise now is the most propitious time for him to repent, resign, and save his own soul.

    1. Well said. Indeed, it is as if soon the wrath of God will soon be spilled out over the world.

  3. Awesome coverage of these past few days since Pope Benedict died. Thank you for all of your knowledgeable commentary. I think Fox news should feature you regularly as you are clearly are the best read and intelligent of most of the rest of them.

  4. Thank you so much for this. It has validated my thoughts about Vatican II, it has validated my thoughts with respect to Pope Benedict who in my opinion suffered tremendously this last 10 years.

  5. Superb!
    A most persuasive and factual linking of La Salette to Fatima to Vatican II and the “eclipse” of the true Roman Catholic church.

    As a 2012 convert from the Church of England, I was already familiar with the structure of the Traditional Latin Mass through many years’ study of sacred organ music for the entire liturgical year based on the gregorian propers and sacred texts as set out in the relevant Liber Usualis and Roman Missal[s]. So it quickly became clear how the ancient & venerable liturgical traditions of the Church had been widely abrogated & suppressed in the aftermath of the Council.

    Benedict XVI’s ‘Summorum Pontificum’ was, potentially, a “light shining in the darkness” of the postconciliar liturgies but, whilst received and acted upon graciously within some Bishops Conferences, the TLM remained severely marginalised amongst the oppressive domination of vernacular, mostly banal, liturgies everywhere.
    A situation which only became worse after the publication of Bergoglio’s asinine ‘Traditionis Custodes’……

    Let us hope, and pray fervently, that the aftermath of Benedict XVI’s death will result in this “eclipse” of the true Church moving away from its current, almost ‘total’ state……

    Dominus vobiscum.

  6. “Most people sat they like the Mass in their own language….”

    There is just no substitute for the Latin Mass. The holiness. The reverence. Its truly transformative.

  7. “To pretend there is no crime is the greatest dishonesty.”

    “Someone who has hope lives differently.”

    “There is no greater crime in the Church than to rob the Papacy from the Pope.”

    With these three phrases, you really nail it, Br Bugnolo.

    Each would make great titles of short articles, though I wouldn’t be surprised if you already wrote them!

    1. Bergoglio robbed the throne, but the keys of Heaven and Earth remained with Jesus: The Code of the Canon Law, which will remain untampered.

  8. Benedict XVI had a slow martyrdom for 10 years imprisoned at The Vatican with very little contact with the outside world. He cleaned up and got rid of 500 pedophile priests who were impostor-priests to destroy the Church from within, especially Fr. Marcial Maciel.

    Benedict XVI will be buried on the feast of another pope who also suffered martyrdom. Benedict XVI will be buried on the feast of the Saint of the Day – 5 January – Saint Telesphorus (Died c 138) Confessor, Pope Martyr. Papal Ascension – 128 to 129 and died by Martyrdom in 138 to 139. Also known as – Telesforo.

    The Roman Martyrology reads today: “In Rome, in the time of Antoninus Pius, St Telesphorus, Pope, who after many sufferings for the Confession of Christ, underwent a glorious Martyrdom.”

    He was of Greek ancestry and born in Terranova da Sibari, Calabria, Italy.

    Telesphorus is traditionally considered as the Eighth Bishop of Rome in succession after Saint Peter. The Liber Pontificalis mentions that he had been an Anchorite Monk prior to assuming office.

    According to the testimony of St Irenaeus (Against Heresies III.3.3), he suffered a “glorious Martyrdom.” Although most early Popes are called Martyrs by sources such as the Liber Pontificalis, Telesphorus is the first to whom St Irenaeus, writing in c 180, gives this title, thus making his Martyrdom the earliest attested Martyrdom of a Pope, after Saint Peter.

    The Church was infiltrated by thousands of impostor-priests and fake converts to carry out Vatican II in order to destroy the Liturgy and the Church in its sorry state today as revealed by these books.
    The Plot Against the Church http://holywar.org/txt/pinay/default.htm (Free eBook)
    and http://come-and-hear.com/dilling/ (FREE eBook)

    AA-1025 The Memoirs of An Anti-Apostle https://ia802601.us.archive.org/32/items/Aa-1025TheMemoirsOfAnAnti-apostle/Aa-1025TheMemoirsOfAnAnti-apostle.pdf (FREE eBook)

    The Carmelites venerate Telesphorus as a Patron Saint of the Order since some sources depict him as a hermit living on Mount Carmel. The town of Saint-Télesphore, in the southwestern part of Canada’s Quebec Province, is named after him. https://anastpaul.com/2023/01/05/saint-of-the-day-5-january-saint-telesphorus-died-c-138-confessor-pope-martyr/

    The MSM journalists have now descended in Rome to spill their venom of deception to the world while manipulating the fame of Benedict XVI.
    Whoever controls MSM controls the world! http://themillenniumreport.com/2014/10/who-really-controls-the-mainstream-media/
    Who owns the media https://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=2231

    ALL CATHOLICS MUST WATCH the Ordo Militaris Radio TV investigative series on Catholic Media especially in the USA:

    “Frankism, Judaism & Catholicism: The need for transparency in Catholic Media” (About Taylor Marshall, Michael Matt, Eric Sammons of 1 Peter 5, et al)


    and many more at Ordo Militaris Radio TV https://www.ordo-militaris.net/previous-shows/

    This video by Bro. Bugnolo boldly sums up the corruption in the Vatican and in priestly organizations and the Tradies.
    “Fr. Pavone has run into the Ecclesiastical Mafia — But what is that?”


    ITALY: Bannon successfully defends against fraud case in Trisulti Monastery lease

    Dr. Jane Ruby interviews Br. Bugnolo on the Death of Pope Benedict XVI

    For the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, it is necessary to realize that Jesus was not a Jew, either by race or by ancestry! “Judeo-Christian” is the biggest LIE on the planet earth that is enslaving Catholics and Christians!!


      1. He was the son of David, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The word “Jew” means that you are a Judean who rejects Jesus Christ. Cf. the Gospel of St. John.

      2. Brother, Can you please help me understand if the Church teaches that Jesus was not a Jew?

      3. How can the Church teach that Jesus was something the definition of which only arose centuries later?

      4. I need to understand.
        Were there Jews in Jesus’s time? If so what was the definition of Jew at that time and was Jesus one of them?

        Has that definition now changed?

      5. The word Jew did not exist in ancient times. They word translated at Jew in the Gospel of St. John means Judean.

  9. I do not see how any pope who stood behind and offered Novus Ordo monstrosity will ever be looked upon favorably.

    Why didn’t B16 consecrate Russia? Hands tied by his homo secretary?

    1. ” Why didn’t B16 consecrate Russia? ”

      Because he believed it had been done in 1984 by JP2. And he wrote extensively about it. B16 believed that the “triumph of the immaculate heart” was something that happened 2000+ years ago when the BVM said “yes” to God (on the feast of the annunciation)…

  10. Here is an article published this week in the Australian Spectator magazine about the author, James Parker’s chance encounter with the then Cardinal Ratzinger and the compassion and understanding he received from him, which led to Mr Packer’s eventual healing and establishment of a support network for survivors of sexual abuse:

  11. Actually your syllogism is faulty, because if Bishops do not ask the Lord for the grace not to teach error, and publicly insist they are not teaching, then they can convene a meeting, call it a council and teach error, because they are faking it.


    «E, abrindo as mãos, fê-las reflectir no Sol. E enquanto que se elevava, continuava o reflexo da sua própria luz a projectar no Sol».

    E anche: il miracolo del sole.

    Vangelo nella santa messa exequiale (01:08:40):
    «Era verso mezzogiorno e si fece buio su tutta la terra fino alle tre del pomeriggio perchè il sole si era eclissato».


    Vangelo nella santa messa exequiale (01:08:54):
    «Il velo del tempio si squarciò a metà».

    Cardinale Ratzinger, Commento Teologico, 2000:
    «Chi legge con attenzione il testo del cosiddetto terzo « segreto » di Fatima, che dopo lungo tempo per disposizione del Santo Padre viene qui pubblicato nella sua interezza, resterà presumibilmente deluso o meravigliato dopo tutte le speculazioni che sono state fatte. Nessun grande mistero viene svelato; il velo del futuro non viene squarciato».


    Papa Benedetto, Omelia, Fatima 2010:
    «Si illuderebbe chi pensasse che la missione profetica di Fatima sia conclusa. Qui rivive quel disegno di Dio che interpella l’umanità sin dai suoi primordi: «Dov’è Abele, tuo fratello? […] La voce del sangue di tuo fratello grida a me dal suolo!» (Gen 4, 9). L’uomo ha potuto scatenare un ciclo di morte e di terrore, ma non riesce ad interromperlo…»



    PRIMA . Il tempo luminoso del sole “di fatima” (un sole que illumina ma non accieca, tale come Dio che è un fuoco che arde ma no bruccia, come diceva San Francesco di Fatima) è finito.
    SECONDA . Ora il velo del futuro si squarciò


    «E, abrindo as mãos, fê-las reflectir no Sol. E enquanto que se elevava, continuava o reflexo da sua própria luz a projectar no Sol».


    Vangelo nella santa messa exequiale (01:08:40):
    «Era verso mezzogiorno e si fece buio su tutta la terra fino alle tre del pomeriggio perchè IL SOLE SI ERA ECLISSATO».


    Vangelo nella santa messa exequiale (01:08:54):
    «Il velo del tempio SI SQUARCIÒ a metà».

    Cardinale Ratzinger, Commento Teologico, 2000:
    «Chi legge con attenzione il testo del cosiddetto terzo « segreto » di Fatima, che dopo lungo tempo per disposizione del Santo Padre viene qui pubblicato nella sua interezza, resterà presumibilmente DELUSO o meravigliato dopo tutte le SPECULAZIONI che sono state fatte. Nessun grande mistero viene svelato; IL VELO del futuro NON VIENE SQUARCIATO».


    Papa Benedetto, Omelia, Fatima 2010:
    «Si ILLUDEREBBE chi pensasse che la missione profetica di Fatima sia conclusa. Qui rivive quel disegno di Dio che interpella l’umanità sin dai suoi primordi: «Dov’è Abele, tuo fratello? […] La voce del sangue di tuo fratello grida a me dal suolo!» (Gen 4, 9). L’uomo ha potuto scatenare un ciclo di morte e di terrore, ma non riesce ad interromperlo…»

    . DIECI ANNI DOPO (come 2013-2023 entrante)


    PRIMA . Il tempo luminoso del sole “di fatima” (un sole que illumina ma non accieca, tale come Dio che è un fuoco che arde ma no bruccia, come diceva San Francesco di Fatima) è finito.
    SECONDA . Ora il velo del futuro si squarciò

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