7 thoughts on “Il Solenne Avvertimento al Collegio cardinalizio”

  1. College of Cardinal, elect a new pope NOW and oust the Antichrist Pope Francis out of the Vatican before he deletes the Traditional Latin Mass, the heart of Holy Mother Church!

    This is the only window of opportunity before evil Bergoglio draws his last breath and the St. Gallen Mafia put another Freemason communist infiltrator at the Vatican.

    College of Cardinals, act now or you’ll burn in Hell for failing to save Holy Mother Church!

    Collegio cardinalizio, eleggere ORA un nuovo papa e cacciare l’Anticristo Papa Francesco dal Vaticano prima che cancelli la Messa tradizionale in latino, il cuore della Santa Madre Chiesa!

    Questa è l’unica finestra di opportunità prima che il malvagio Bergoglio tragga il suo ultimo respiro e la mafia di San Gallo metta un altro massone comunista infiltrato in Vaticano.

    Collegio Cardinalizio, agisci ora o brucerai all’Inferno per non aver salvato la Santa Madre Chiesa!

    College of Cardinal, elect a new pope NOW and oust the Antichrist Pope Francis out of the Vatican before he deletes the Traditional Latin Mass, the heart of Holy Mother Church!

    This is the only window of opportunity before evil Bergoglio draws his last breath and the St. Gallen Mafia put another Freemason communist infiltrator at the Vatican.

    College of Cardinals, act now or you’ll burn in Hell for failing to save Holy Mother Church!

    (Google Translate in Italian! Hope it’s precise!)

  2. Collegio cardinalizio, eleggere ORA un nuovo papa e cacciare l’Anticristo Papa Francesco dal Vaticano prima che cancelli la Messa tradizionale in latino, il cuore della Santa Madre Chiesa!

    Questa è l’unica finestra di opportunità prima che il malvagio Bergoglio tragga il suo ultimo respiro e la mafia di San Gallo metta un altro massone comunista infiltrato in Vaticano.

    Collegio Cardinalizio, agisci ora o brucerai all’Inferno per non aver salvato la Santa Madre Chiesa!

    College of Cardinal, elect a new pope NOW and oust the Antichrist Pope Francis out of the Vatican before he deletes the Traditional Latin Mass, the heart of Holy Mother Church!

    This is the only window of opportunity before evil Bergoglio draws his last breath and the St. Gallen Mafia put another Freemason communist infiltrator at the Vatican.

    College of Cardinals, act now or you’ll burn in Hell for failing to save Holy Mother Church!

    (Google Translate in Italian! Hope it’s precise!)

  3. This is like the King Arthur story trying to put the choice of God upon the throne of England.

  4. Pope Innocent III taught by Spiritual “Fornication” the Spiritual Matrimonial Union between the “Roman Pontiff” & the Church would no longer exist & the heretic would be “Cast Out” ceasing to be Pope

    “[T]he Pope… WHEN he is EXPLICITLY a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church, and the Church MUST either deprive him, or, as some say, declare him deprived, of his Apostolic See.”
    (The Catholic Controversy, by St. Francis de Sales, Pages 305-306)


  5. Excellent interviews. Brother Bugnolo you have shown us by your example great courage in the defence of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Saints Peter and Paul pray for Christ’s Holy Church to succeed quickly in this battle against the forces of evil.

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