Those who were against Catholics electing a successor to St. Peter prevailed to convince many not to come to vote, and so the results of the election are as follows:
Unanimous for Jorge Mario Bergoglio, as successor of St. Peter and successor of Pope Benedict XVI.
The electorate present wants the world to know that it has chosen the only outcome that could be both universally accepted and that is to bring the canonical order of the Church back into harmony with the will of Christ. In this it follows the example of the Roman Catholics who, under threat from the imperial army, elected the deacon of the Eastern emperor, who was a Monothelite heretic. With his election completed he was immediately converted to the Catholic faith under the power of the Jesus Prayer.
And so, we hope and pray that the Lord, whose hands are now free to set the Church in order, will now intervene in history, without violating his promise to St. Peter, that “Whatever you bind on earth, be bound in Heaven.” ”.
For my part, I have suggested as candidate Msgr. Gracida, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, Texas, USA.
Brother Alexis Bugnolo
(Please note, that Br. Bugnolo now has a very bad sore throat, so will not be granting interviews for a day or two).
Did the election already take place?
Pope Francis I
According to the prophecy of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee.
The Lord shew his face to thee, and have mercy on thee.
The Lord turn his countenance to thee, and give thee peace.
Numbers 6:24-26 DRB
Keep up the good work, Bro. Bugnolo. Kudos! You are a true Crusader of Our Lady and Our Lord!
Well, imagine the miracle of Pope Francis speaking like a real Catholic pope, a full on AntiGlobalist! This is going to be amazing.
This is the end times so…
What time was the decision taken?
After 12:30 PM.
Br. Bugnolo, can you please tell us which Pope that was converted from heresy that you are referencing. Thank you for all your hard work to elect Pope Benedict XVI’s successor.
Give me a few hours to dig up his name.
See Philip Hughes, History of the Church, under the chapter(s) about the Monothelitist Heresy, with reference to Pope Eugene I, the imperial candidate for pope, chosen to impose the heretical creed upon Italy, but who did the opposite and professed the Catholic Faith.
See my answers below.
A very goog decision. May now come peace and grace in the church and in the heart of Pope Francis.
Uh … no. Jesus wants us to repent because of our hardness of our hearts. Terrible Persecution of Christians will come after this, and eventually, the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart!
Presumably, now we wait until he announces he is the pope. Up until that point he is not the pope; is that correct?
See my answer below.
Pope Francis I, successor to Pope Benedict XVI 2023. Reference: answers below of Bro. Bugnolo.
The time of harrowing is near. Weeds will soon be separated from the Wheat.
I have prayed, that whatever the development, it is to the glory of God. He is in charge at all times The prophecies of Daniel, Revelation and other books of the Bible, must and will come to pass. How it ends is definitive. And every knee will bow to God. That is not to say that I do not highly commend all of your efforts, to first make the situation clear to as many as possible and secondly to make the way for a remedy.
It is good to fight the good fight. The outcome is the Lord‘s.
The Lord bless you and keep you.
Thank you for all you have done in establishing this election according to what is required under canon law. The actions you took were heroic and just. May God reward you for your faithfulness. His will be done.
Very disappointing. The Bergoglian trolls convinced good people not to participate in a process to send a signal to Bergoglio that we know he and his people are bent on destroying the Church. I seriously doubt that Bergoglio will change in any way his direction.
I do have one question though. Today it was announced Cardinal Ouellett is out in the Cong. for Bishops, and Fr. Provost,O.S.A. is in. But he was not Bergoglio’s first choice. That was a bishop from Brazil named Montanari who is very pro-gay, anti-Catholic and actually I read an active homosexual who was “boyfriend” to Bergoglio’s former private secretary, Fabiano Pedacchio. Apparently he was blocked, just like the radical German Francis wanting to be CDF Prefect. Is it possible that a sizable percentage of Cardinals are finally “waking up” to what Bergoglio and his people and agenda really is and are attempting to thwart it?
Now the better Cardinals will have Christ at Pope Francis’ back and their push for true Reform will go ahead.
OH! The mutineers!
A manifest heretic such as Bergoglio cannot be elected pope.
A declared heretic cannot be elected. But someone whom people hold to be a heretic but who has not been excommunicated by his bishop or the previous pope can.
It has happened before, when the heretical deacon of the Greek Emperor was made pope. He converted the next day and excommunicated the Emperor.
What was done was not wasted effort, isn’t it? Everything is in God’s hands!
What was Bergoglio’s reaction to the cardinals’ refusal to enter conclave?
What was Bergoglio’s reaction to the election planned for today?
What was/is Bergoglio’s reaction to this result from the election?
Not to be a doubting Thomas, but if Bergoglio changes nothing and continues with his current path of public cursing and anti-Canon statements and actions, then what is the next step?
What are the faithful expected to do now?
See below.
Does Bergoglio have to accept the results of this election? In a typical conclave, the cardinal elected to be bishop of Rome must accept the election before he is declared Pope. If Bergoglio does not recognize the canonical status of this election, and as such does not accept the outcome of its proceedings, would he be considered the successor of Pope Benedict XVI?
See my answer below.
I’m sorry to hear the Catholics of Rome are so weak and fearful that they could not elect a true Catholic Pope. Now the new Vicar of Christ will be in a position where any further heresy could lead to his imminent demise through the intervention of God.
May God bless you Brother Alexis for fighting for the One True Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and revealing the lukewarmness and cowardice of most in our Church hierarchy and laity. May Jesus Christ our King remove the non-Catholics from power through His Divine intervention and mercy.
“Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation which is not holy: deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man.
For Thou, O God, art my strength: why hast Thou cast me off? and why go I sorrowful whilst the enemy afflicteth me?”
So the convention has elected Jorge Mario Bergoglio and offered him the Papacy? Does Jorge Mario Bergoglio not then have to directly communicate his acceptance of his election? In order to have the opportunity of accepting the offer of the Papacy (and therefore having the munus conferred on him by Our Lord Jesus Christ), does he not have to have the offer directly communicated to him?
Without his direct acceptance, and if your elucidation of the relevant points of Canon Law leading up to the convention are correct, surely he would continue in his ministerium as antipope. Is this not the logic of the situation?
Have you offered, do you intend to offer Jorge Mario Bergoglio the result of the convention? Would he deign to descend from his high antipapal horse to humbly accept this offer? It seems unlikely, but I believe it would be a cause of rejoicing were he to do so, because this suitable display of humility would signal an openness to submitting himself to the yoke of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
We need to know how the result of the convention has been communicated to Jorge Mario Bergoglio in a manner that can be considered juridically correct. And we need to know the result of the offer, since this is surely material as to whether the sedevacante of 2022 continues?
I have answered your questions on acceptance below.
The faithful are now free to hear Mass and receive the sacraments (as long as the priests are not heretics). I did not foresee this so soon, or even in my lifetime.
Deo gratias.
Claudio, tu non fai le regole. Accettazione tacita e’ sufficiente.
So you think BerGOGlio is the pope now?
I do, because that is the consequence of the legal principles. But Christ will show us what He thinks in the coming days, because now He is free to pray for Simon that his faith may not fail and have a personal meeting with Pope Francis.
I am sad.
The Church must go into hiding.
The true Church and the visible Catholic Church are now one again.
I guess it is likely that Pope Francis will be the Pope that will try and escape Rome over the bodies of dead religious and be martyred. If that is the case, his conversion will create such a ruccous that it will draw the Russians to attack Rome. I am on the edge of my seat wondering what extraordinary things he is going say and do as a result of God’s grace working in him. Glory to God in the Highest!
…well, that wasn’t what I expected. I may be at peak confusion right now. 😳
Please, to anyone who reads this, pray for me.
Well, the Catholic faithful in Rome voted for Pope Francis I. Jesus gave him to us, since He is present at the elections.
Jesus respects human free will.
Rest well Brother Bugnolo!
Indeed. Please get well and announce the results of the elections!
Hmmm……disappointing, but not very surprising.
It appears that ‘The Ecclesiastical Mafia’ have secured another, temporary, “victory”, but my hunch is that Divine Providence will in the near future call the immortal soul of Bergoglio to its eternal rest at which time the See of Peter will again be vacant……
But as the College of Cardinals has violated its duty to call a Conclave within 21 days of the death of Pope Benedict XVI, thus forfeiting this right forever, what in practice is likely to happen after Bergoglio’s death?
In the meantime, when we are at any Mass where “Pope Francis” is named in the Roman Canon or Eucharistic Prayer [whether audibly or silently] then at least we know that we CAN be ‘in communion’ with the legitimate Pope……though he remains a manifest heretic, freemason & globalist!
No, it is a victory for Christ, because now He can intervene without breaking His promise to Peter.
You mean Jesus will now open the book of Revelations?
That clarification is appreciated, thanks.
As indeed is all your dedicated & tireless work in organising this papal election, for the benefit of Holy Mother Church. Your detailed reporting and scholarly updates continue to shine the light of Truth in a way that far exceeds any other English-speaking Catholic media.
DEO gratias.
“The electorate present wants the world to know that it has chosen the only outcome that could be both universally accepted and that is to bring the canonical order of the Church back into harmony with the will of Christ.”
I am a Catholic and I will not accept a schismatic as The Pope Of The Catholic Church because a schismatic pope in every case is an oxymoron.
Before his election yesterday, he was Bergoglio, now he is Francis. Christ will take care of it now because He will pray for him. This, however, is something only those who believe in Christ will see.
Glad to hear you’re taking some time to get well. Sounded very congested and miserable in the Interview with Carita in Veritate on the night before the election. The stress inherent to this event is no doubt tremendous…Praying for you, as always.
Christ so loved His Church he still wants to save the priests and the laity choked by the weeds.
Bro. Bugnolo, This is very confusing to me. How can Bergoglio be a valid candidate without first publicly repenting?
1. He usurped the papacy, causing a grave schism, and held the true Pope prisoner until his death,
2. If I remember correctly, you have pronounced Bergoglio an apostate for closing all of the churches and denying the Faithful Mass on Easter, 2020,
3. Bergoglio committed acts of public idolatry during the Amazon Synod, etc.
Do these offenses not incur excommunication latae sententiae?
Doesn’t Canon 1331 1.1, 1.2, and especially 1.3 apply?
Papal laws on elections of popes have always regarded as valid candidates anyone who has not yet been publicly condemned by a bishop or tribunal as a heretic or schismatic. So since B16 never did that, Bergoglio despite all his sins and errors was juridically still a valid candidate.
Archbishop Lenga did so in 2020:
Bro Bugnolo,
Thank you again for all of your hard work to keep many of us on the other side of this small planet more informed to the Truth.
“Mary” has a seemingly valid point about the Archbishop’s public condemnation of Bergoglio.
Can you please address it?
This was not a decision of the Apostolic See, but only by the local bishop, and does not constrain the Bishop outside of the Diocese.
Saving the news. It might disappear again like the Latin Canon Law.
A very unsatisfactory result. Is it possible that some participants in this gathering were infiltrators/jokers who wanted to sabotage this election?
I do not think so.
The voters have loved ones, you know. Maybe deep in their hearts have children and even spouses living in heresy for 10 years. This might be what their hearts told them. Even St. Peter succumbed to persecution but eventually repented to God.
The fruits will show whether this election yesterday was valid or not. If Pope Francis converts and recants his errors, the election was valid. I am thinking in particular of the letter to the bishop of the Argentine diocese of San Miguel, Sergio Alfredo Fenoy, on the correct interpretation of Amoris Laetitia, which he had inserted in the AAS ( Acta Apostolicae Sedis). Thus, this letter was elevated to a magisterial letter:
Page 1071
If Pope Francis does not change, the election cannot have been valid, because a valid Pope cannot be wrong in matters of faith and morals.
We should begin to hear a different tone already today starting with his trip to South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
We already know the end result: Third Secret of Our Lady of Fatima. God reveals everything to the faithful for He loves us.
The 3rd Secret definitely pertains to Rome, and probably this is the cause.
I agree.
Next time, the cardinals will act. Jesus is really Merciful.
I fear next time it would be The Divine Justice.
Frate Alexis Bugnolo, puo’ scrivere quale articolo del diritto canonico parla di ” ACCETTAZIONE TACITA” ?
qui accettazione tacita significa che non dichiara l’elezione invalida.
People get what they deserve. God wins in the end.
Divine Mercy first, then The Divine Justice.
My thoughts exactly
If a good reason was needed to have Rome flattened …
Events will move fast from now on.
Motus in fine velocior.
Thank you so much for doing all this! This is huge because now we can have unity and stand behind Pope Francis and pray for him. I can go to Church without wondering if I am doing something wrong! I can devote myself to God and serving others! Yes I believe the persecution is about to break out but as long as we have unity in the Church (I pray) we can stand together and be strengthened in the Faith and be guided by our Shepherd in Christ. May God have His way with His Bride, His Church! Amen and Amen.
A Catholic submits to the Pope. Humility.
Amen Kristen W.
“…Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus…”
– Saint Cyprian of Carthage
Prayer for the True Holy Father to disclose in full the real third secret of Our Lady of Fatima and Consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, you are the holy Mother of God and our tender Mother.
Look upon the distress in which the Church and the whole of humanity are living because of the spread of materialism and the persecution of the Church.
In Fatima, you warned against these errors, as you spoke about the errors of Russia. You are the Mediatrix of all graces.
I Implore your Divine Son to grant this special grace for the True Pope:
1. That he might disclose in full the third secret You gave at Fatima and
2. Consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Oh Queen of the Holy Rosary and our sweet Mother, turn your merciful eyes to us and graciously hear this our trusting prayer.
Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us and for the Church. Amen.
Honestly I cannot make heads and tails of all this about now JB is legitamized as a supposingly valid successor to BXVI. I know there were previous Anti-Popes being juridically rectified as legitamate Popes after the death of the previous true Pope. But there are still open questions:
0. Does JB even aware or acknowledge himself as being an Anti-pope? Or secretly just scoffs at this idea?
1. If this conclave were valid, does it rectify all the previous “done and not done” as well as sayings of JB contray to 2000 years of Church teachings WITHOUT his making ANY declarations?
2. If he remained silent, how do you reconcile the anomalies of the past 10 years with perennial Church Teachings?
3. So the “Cardinals” created and “Canonisations” done by an Anipope are now suddently all in order and valid – WITHOUT further ado?
4. How about the Abrogation of the “Motu Proprium” of Pope BXVI, with the next stage ( further clamp down on the usus antiquoir) rumoured to be announced on Monday of Holy Week 2023, when actually took place?
5. Do you honestly believe that the modernists in the “Anti-Church”, who blatantly ignored the Apostolic Konstitution of UDG of JPII and his decree on “women priests”, among other things, are going to observe and honor Canon Law and the decrees of previous Popes and Concils which are not passing to their agenda?
6. Would all those in the current “Church”, except those in the Rome Marriot Park Hotel in the Election process on 30. 01. 2023, take notice of this conclave seriously and practice otherwise as they were doing for the past 10 years? After all, they HAD practiced “universal peaceful acceptance” all these years except we persistant rebellions!
7. Many signs lead to the concrete formation of the German National Church, as they proclaimed they want to be freed from Rome . What is Rome doing to let an new Protestant Sect running around with Catholic externals?
8. And they continue to ignore the persecuted Catholics in China?
9. I ask all these questions without doubting that God still works miracles at His time.
Yes, only time will let us see und understand clearly what the reality is.
While I agree these questions can or should be asked, I remain amazed that you have not found them nearly all answered at articles at FromRome.Info, cf. here
I can only suppose that you are not a regular reader.