Pd. Antonio Figueira explains Candelmas (Portuguese)

Editor’s Note: Father is the PeAntonio Figueria who comments frequently at FromRome.Info. Father was ordained as a Salesian, that is, as a Son of Don Bosco. I am very glad to see him making videos, and so wanted to share this with all of you.

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4 thoughts on “Pd. Antonio Figueira explains Candelmas (Portuguese)”

  1. Haha, my reference yesterday to St Francis de Sales advice to administer honey rather than vinegar finds a complement!

    Good work Brother Alexis!

  2. Brother Alexis, yes, I said about a Missionary of Saint Francis of Sales, as consacrated living here, and was praying for him in this day of the consacrated life. But me, I was ordinated as a Salesian of Don Bosco (well, Saint Francis of Sales is allways there, he he he) and now I’m incardinated at the diocesis. Ave Maria!

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