After Exposing Pfizer, former GoldmanSachs Director puts O’Keefe on Executive leave

Editor’s Note: This was just a matter of time, in any organization where the Executive Directors is a Goldman Sachs man. You touch Wall Street and Wall Street bites back. — However, O’Keefe seems not to know how to keep the proper boundaries of a manager with his employees:

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One thought on “After Exposing Pfizer, former GoldmanSachs Director puts O’Keefe on Executive leave”

  1. Timing makes this completely questionable…As does O’Keefe’s choice of Director being a banker when it’s certain he’s fully aware of this man’s ultimate loyalty. THIS whole situation could be a gift from God to yank this kid out of Fantasyland where he’s lost to replace him in humility back into God’s Kingdom to do God’s work.

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