I believe in the One True God, for Whom nothing is impossible:
I believe that the Incarnation of the Eternal Son took place because of the word of consent given by one poor espoused virgin of the House of David, without human witnesses; I believe in the miracle of Cana, which the Son of God wrought at the request of one concerned Mother; I believe in all the miracles and exorcisms wrought by Our Lord Jesus Christ, at the request of one, two, or even three persons unknown to history.
I believe that Jesus Christ can raise the dead, and it does not matter how many persons are witnesses or how many asked Him to do it.
I believe that Jesus Christ can exorcise a man possessed by a 1000 devils, and it does not matter how many persons are witnesses or how many asked Him to do it.
I believe that Jesus Christ can heal any infirmity in the body, or in the Body of the Church, and it does not matter how many persons are witnesses or how many asked Him to do it.
I believe that Jesus Christ is the Omnipotent, Everlastsing God, and to Him, as God-man there has been given by the Eternal Father, all authority in Heaven and Earth.
I believe that Jesus Christ, Who is Hesed, Faithful Love, will keep His promises to Peter forever, in every age, no matter how many persons ask him, or whether there are witnesses or not to the petition.
I believe that Jesus Christ loves His Immaculate Bride, Holy Mother Church, more than any person or group of persons, no matter how important they think they are.
I believe that Jesus Christ lives in those who live in Him by faith, and that when they trust in Him, He will work miracles.
I believe all these things, because with Peter, I say, “Lord, You have the words of Eternal Life; and we have come to know and to believe, that You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God!”
Amen. Alleluia. All glory to Him!
I believe all of that too. Deo gratias for bringing this to our attention.
Indeed, and so it is all TRUE and all our FAITH IS BASED WITHIN.
Can only pray THIS IS WHAT’S HAPPENED WITH Bergoglio…As, Lucifer is clever and can hide to bring forth trust before his evil thrust. “Look! I send you out as sheep among the wolves… Mt 10:16” Only Time Can Tell. May God Bless Us One And All To View The Truth of who may be the Sheep and the Wolves.
Brother Alexis: THAT IS FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!! (your Credo)
Amen & AMEN !!
“Be Thou unto me a GOD, a Protector, and a house of refuge, to save me. For Thou art my strength and my refuge: and for Thy Name’s sake Thou wilt lead me and nourish me.
In Thee, O Lord, have I hoped, let me never be confounded; deliver me in Thy justice, and save me.
Glory be to the Father…….etc.
Be Thou unto me…….etc.”
[Introit + psalm for today, Quinquagesima Sunday;
Psalm 30: 3, 4 + 2]
DEO gratias.