Summary and Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Msgr. Bux is the theologian who by means of a humorous quip caused the question of the validity of Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation to explode on social media in the fall of 2018. — He has ever held to the theory of the validity of the renunciation as effecting the loss of the papacy, because of his personal correspondence with the late Pope and his insistence that everything be interpreted by actions not etymologies or laws.
This represents the fundamental divide in the Church right now, and this is why Nicolas Bux still does not understand what is going on. — In this article, in which his interview by Edward Pentin (Socialist), expresses some dire warnings for the world, he proposes that the next pope will not easily solve the problems, because he presumes that the next pope must keep those who were promoted in their positions. So the end result of what he seems to be trying to say, is that the Ecclesiastical Mafia must be given compromises. — Christ Jesus is not in the picture at all, except through the quote, which he draws from a friend who is not even a practicing Catholic.
True Catholics know, however, that Christ has already intervened, and on what day that intervention took place.
The Horror which those without faith are contemplating:
In related news, Diana Montagna (who went so far as to publish absurdities to defend the dominant narrative about Pope Benedict XVI abdicating), is publishing her fears and terrors at the thought that the Ancient Liturgy is going to be suppressed.
The Catholic Faith-filled view:
With the High Priestly Prayer of Christ Jesus, however, now directed to Pope Francis, we shall instead see the most decisive intervention yet by Our Lord. For there are only a few possible outcomes, since Traditionis Custodes was not published by Pope Francis, but by Jorge Mario Bergoglio, he now will have to review it led by a higher grace. I review here briefly the possible outcomes, with that Grace at work:
- The Pope Francis does nothing, or effectively does nothing by asking for more consultation from the Cardinals or Bishops.
- That Pope Francis reaffirms Traditionis Custodis with an Apostolic Constitution, in such a way as to make it juridically invalid.
- That Pope Francis does not reaffirm Traditionis Custodis, but publishes a document which effectively nullifies it.
- Pope Francis approves a new measure which will utterly abolish the Old Rite, but in such a way, as is normal, so that it will take effect in 30-90 days after he signs it: during which time he will either change his mind, or be called on the carpet to appear before the Throne of the High Priest, Jesus Christ.
Those who do not believe that God exists, or that Jesus Christ is God, will scoff at my predictions. But it does not matter how many believe in Him. He is still God, Faithful Love to all His promises.
Please could you clarify your option 2. “That Pope Francis reaffirms Traditionis Custodis with an Apostolic Constitution, in such a way as to make it juridically invalid.”
Specifically, how or why reaffirming an Apostolic Letter issued “Motu proprio” with an Apostolic Constitution can make the first juridically invalid, notwithstanding its juridical invalidity for other reasons?
He affirms it, but include some sort of juridical error or defect which takes away all obligatory force.
Thank you.
Good predictions.
«In questo unico Popolo di Dio, che è la Chiesa, l’elemento fondamentale è l’appartenenza a Cristo». Papa Francesco, 18.FEBBRAIO.2023
He just rejected the Abrahamic Covenant of Abu Dhabi…
Many thanks for sharing that Vatican press-release.
For me, the 3rd paragraph from the end is hugely significant…….wherein Pope Francis refers to a notable book by Henri de Lubac [“Meditation sur l’Eglise”] and proceeds to rightly condemn the “contagious disease” of clericalism!
This seems, therefore, to be in direct opposition to many of the nefarious forces working within the Synod on Synodality!
“For with GOD nothing shall be impossible.”
[St. Luke 1: 37]
We are seeing the Holy Spirit fluttering over the abyss which is the chaos and confusion unleashed upon the Church by her enemies. We are witnessing the first visible sparks of the New Creation. The renewal of the world by Our Lord cannot be very far.