ChatGPT: You are a tech billionaire, software coder, and world-class expert in Artificial Intelligence who controls a monopoly over the world's first artificial general intelligence. List five potential scenarios of how you use your AGI to increase your influence.
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) March 27, 2023
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Larry Romanoff • November 21, 2022
“The World’s Richest Man” Conspiracy
As can be deduced from the above, the real wealth in the world has never come from corporate ownership, but from financing wars, from owning the central banks of nations, and from theft and criminal activity on a vast international scale. The large amount of Jewish corporate ownership today is not the beginning of the accumulation of wealth but merely the last step in the process. As is true with all organized crime, the trillions of dollars involved in corporate ownership noted at the beginning are merely from the reinvestment of criminal profits into legitimate enterprises.
It should be obvious from the above that people like Gates, Buffett and Bezos are not contenders for the title of the World’s Richest Man.
Elon Musk with his supposed $200 billion barely qualifies as pocket change, with people like George Soros and his paltry billions not even qualifying as pocket lint. The media have lied to us for decades and sent us looking in all the wrong places. Jewish publications today have many articles on “The world’s richest Jews”[66] or “The most influential Jews”,[67] but these are all nonsense, listing individuals like Zuckerberg or Soros, or Sheldon Adelson at the peak.
None of this is accidental; it is merely a way to distract attention from the real sources of money and power, and perhaps not surprising that every newspaper and magazine touching on this topic will follow the same pattern. What is surprising is that people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett participate in this charade when they must so clearly know the truth of their own positions. None of these men can be so naive or ignorant, which definitely implies a conspiracy of silence.
As an aside, most every man who builds something of substance has an almost genetic urge to pass it on to his offspring, to perhaps create even a small family dynasty that could continue in time. But has anyone noticed that it is only people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet who have no such urge and are determined to just give it all away at the end? Why are there no Rothschilds on this list, no Sassoons, no Kadoories, no Goldman Saches? Is this terminal philanthropy a defect only of the goyim? We can reasonably assume this tendency results from pressure, and my suspicion is that this pressure would result from obligations due to financing. That means Gates and Buffett didn’t create their empires entirely on their own; my guess is they were provided with ideas, planning, much financing, and much bullying Jewish diplomacy to have accomplished what they did. The price to be paid is that you don’t take it with you when you go. One thing Jews don’t finance, is competition for themselves.
The foundation and building of large corporate fortunes is not normally a quick process. There are always exceptions of course, but generally things take time. The conventional wisdom, which has proven true time and again, is that “it takes the first generation to make it, and the second generation to make it really big.” The Jews, functioning as an organic unit, can short-circuit this process. Consider Indigo Books & Music, begun by the Jewess Heather Reisman only about 25 years ago, it resulted in the financial bankruptcy of Canada’s largest independent bookseller and the takeover or elimination of all other competitors who suddenly encountered “financial difficulties”. Today, Indigo is Canada’s only major English-language bookstore chain and the country’s largest book, gift, and specialty toy retailer with annual revenue of more than $1 billion.
Jews control the book publishing industry and can ensure your bookstore has no stock if you refuse to sell out. They collectively control much of the financing and distribution and can force takeovers or bankruptcies. There is no defense against a determined Jewish onslaught. These people operate as gangsters and have unlimited financing available to take over an industry sector almost at will.
The important point is that the planning for these sector take-overs seldom originates with the public face of the operation. Instead, these are often connected parts of a worldwide long-term plan for control of these sectors. I covered some of this in a prior article titled ‘Today’s Jewish Corporate Heroes – Virgin Births All’,[68] dealing with Google, Facebook and a few others. It is apparent that neither Zuckerberg nor the Google Twins were capable of creating almost instantly a world leader in their respective sectors. To accomplish such a result requires unlimited financing and the application of enormous amounts of financial and political pressure, plus determined planning and intense media support. This applies equally to others like Wikipedia, Amazon, Starbucks, and many others who seemed to come from almost nowhere to being world leaders in a very short time. The process has been the same in all cases, and it certainly applies today to the current “Richest Man in the World”, Elon Musk.
All you have to do is think. Using Elon Musk as an example, the man appeared to come from literally nowhere and yet suddenly “owns” the world’s largest auto manufacturer. Musk at the same time began an aggressive program of launching tens of thousands of communications satellites, and then SpaceX, “Elon Musk’s private spaceflight company”, the maker of the Starship, planning International Space Station missions, no less. Then we have Musk buying Twitter for $44 billion.
In the last 100 years, anyone attempting to create a new auto company and brand has met with disaster, but Musk apparently experienced not a hiccup with the Tesla that is suddenly a world favorite. This would have required perhaps ten years of planning and design, the planning of factories and production, the creation of supply lines, the testing and certification, and so much more, but with Tesla this apparently all occurred overnight in a vacuum. Are we to believe Elon Musk designed the Tesla? There is no evidence Musk has the ability to design even a dipstick, much less an entire car, so how did all this occur and what was the source of the background billions required to bring this project to fruition? Musk played no part in the creation of the Tesla. He just somehow showed up at the end, “owning” the company.
Similarly, the aggressive program of communication satellites that “Elon Musk” has launched; this as well would require many years of planning and design, to say nothing of arranging the launch facilities and obtaining the necessary thousands of paying customers. This again would require years and billions of dollars in financing but, like Bezos’ space flight program, this one suddenly appeared in full bloom, operating, launched, and ready to go. Who did the planning for this? It certainly wasn’t Musk, so who was behind it? And the money for all this came from where? “Musk’s” Tesla has never made a profit, so where would he obtain the billions for a pie-in-the-sky system of tens of thousands of communications satellites? Nothing like this can happen without a decade or more of intensive planning and an enormous investment, and obviously none of that came from Musk.
These would be enough challenge for any man, but then we had “Elon Musk” buying Twitter for $44 billion. How would that happen? We are told that Musk suddenly has wealth of – vaguely – $200 billion, with no detail, but presumably from stock holdings in “his” Tesla. But are we to assume that Musk has an extra $44 billion in loose cash sitting in the bank to purchase Twitter? That’s not possible, and Musk isn’t selling half his interest in Tesla shares to finance it, so what is the source of the money? The media confuse this by providing only a few sound bytes but no detail, and thus we have thoughts loosely in our minds that Musk is very wealthy and could somehow afford to purchase Twitter, but all we need to do is think to realize that is impossible.
The picture is clouded because the political ambitions of the Khazar Jews cannot be separated from their financial intentions. “Musk’s” satellite system is eventually to consist of 35,000 communication satellites – military, not civilian – some of which are already being used in Ukraine. The Khazar Jews in the City of London are desperate for World War III, but they have no military of their own and must depend on the US (as the Bankers’ Private Army) maintaining military supremacy. If it hasn’t already occurred to you, the reason for this development was that the Chinese proved they can shoot down US surveillance and communication satellites, thus presenting an existential threat to US warmongering with China and Russia. The solution is clever, and also obvious: you cannot shoot down 35,000 tiny communications satellites, thus maintaining US battlefield communication supremacy. The financing is interesting because normally the Jews push the US to make all these military investments, but the US no longer has the money for all these efforts and thus they had no choice but to finance this themselves – and channel it through Musk to disguise the origin. There is no other source for the financing of such a massive project. It is obvious the financing didn’t come from “Elon Musk”, since “his” Tesla still cannot turn a profit, so where would he obtain the money for satellite development? The Jewish bankers in the City of London are the only source.
This is the same as “Mark Zuckerberg” a few years ago buying and forming companies to manufacture military drones and high-altitude balloons, the latter because dear Mark wanted everyone in the world to have Internet access. Not quite. The high-altitude balloons were not for Internet access but for military communications with the drones that “Facebook” was manufacturing, drones carrying warheads that could communicate by means of the balloons if China destroyed all the US military communications satellites. So far as I could tell, nobody wondered why “Facebook” was manufacturing military drones and their communications systems. Again, not possible to push this cost onto the US military so the Jews in the City of London ran it through Facebook to disguise it as a civilian venture and hide the true source – and intention – from scrutiny.
Back to Tesla. lf you take the time to read Musk’s high-school level treatise on hyperloop transportation[69] or listen to his media blurbs, it’s obvious the man hasn’t the intelligence to have attained his position independently. It’s not apparent, at least not to me, that he knows anything about anything, and I would say the same for Zuckerberg and the Google twins. These people are merely fronts for someone who really does have all the money. And the plans. But we are supposed to believe that Elon “focus-on-my-cute-8-year-old-smile-and-my-adorable-3-year-old-sideways-looking-eyes-so-you-don’t-realise-how-stupid-I-am” Musk, is suddenly The Richest Man in The World from designing cars and satellites and space ships and heaven only knows what all. What rubbish.
That latter point deserves attention. Do you see Warren Buffett posing with a stupid smile and adorable sideways-looking eyes to seduce all the mothers into encouraging their daughters to buy his company shares? What kind of a man, apparently the CEO of trillion-dollar international companies, behaves in such a foolish fashion? A mental dwarf with serious emotional problems, no one else.
Similar arguments are true for Zuckerberg, Bezos, the Google Twins and others. None have the knowledge or ability, nor the enormous financing to do the things they are supposedly doing. Neither their fortunes nor their abilities can possibly be real. It is easier to accept a Bill Gates, starting with a small Microsoft and building over 40 years into a $50 billion prize, but to pretend that an Elon Musk who, out of the clear blue sky, goes from sleeping in his car and eating leaves from trees, suddenly is designing and producing electric autos and military communications satellites and space vehicles and so much more, is too ridiculous a prospect to bother refuting.
Some claim that Elon Musk is not a Jew. Elon (אֵילוֹן), or Alon (אַלוֹן) is a Hebrew masculine name that would not occur on a list of Gentile names. Musk attended Jewish schools in South Africa. His mother, Maye Haldeman, is Jewish but listed as “Canadian”, which is hardly an ethnic group. There are Jewish family and other relations (Elon’s brother married Jen Lewin), and more. Musk’s connections with Israel and powerful Jews have a long history, Tesla’s closet relationship with Israeli tech spanning many years and its self-driving technology is 100% Jewish, originating from the Israeli company Mobileye. Musk has close and high-level contacts in Israel, having met with Netanyahu (at his private residence) on more than one occasion.
In was in the news very recently that Evelyn de Rothschild died at an old age.[70]
The NYT wrote a thoroughly fictional obituary notable primarily for the astonishing lies, as the NYT does for every Jewish criminal who departs this world. You might care to read the NYT’s loving treatise on Madeline Albright to refresh your memory of the criminal insanity of the NYT’s editors. According to them, this Rothschild “Initially showing little promise, he eventually joined the family firm and rose to chairman, wielding vast influence in Britain’s financial and political affairs.” That part is certainly true. The man had banks, investment banks, investment subsidiaries and much more in about 30 countries, and there was no question of his “vast influence in Britain’s financial and political affairs”, since he was the primary man involved in Margaret Thatcher’s selling off all the UK assets to Jewish bankers. But then the NYT told us that Evelyn de Rothschild was worth maybe a paltry $2 billion.
So, Evelyn de Rothschild, the scion and proprietor of the greatest criminal banking dynasty in the history of the world, one with assets harvested from hundreds of years of looting and plundering, a man owning literally hundreds of banks and financial companies all over the world was so dull, so slow and dim-witted, that even a little shit like Zuckerberg could come from nowhere and in only a few years be worth ten times as much. As Buddy Holly was so fond of telling us, “That’ll be the day.”
So, who really are the richest men in the world? Well, who has been financing both sides of every war for the past 300 years? Starbucks? Who has been looting South Africa of all its gold and diamonds for the past 150 years? The President of Victoria’s Secret Underpants? Is it Mark Zuckerberg stealing trillions of Iraq oil every year? I have no doubt that Jeff Bezos is a criminal, but it wasn’t Bezos who engineered the theft of all the gold from all the world’s banks in the 1930s. Who owns as many as 75 or 80 of the central banks of the world’s nations? Some goyim from Kansas?
I am told there are 13 families in control of the entire worldwide clan, operating from the City of London. The leaders in this list are unquestionably Rothschilds, probably beginning with Jacob Rothschild, “The King of the Jews”, followed by his kin. The list would most likely include a Sassoon, a Warburg, a Goldman, a Moses Seif, Kuhn, Loeb, Salomon, a Sebag-Montefiori, with this group sharing total assets in the hundreds of trillions of dollars. We can only guess about the others, but we can be very certain that neither Bill Gates nor Warren Buffett have ever been on this list, and Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos can be dismissed with deserved contempt.
The purpose of this essay was threefold: (1) to bring to the attention of readers the existence of a long-standing conspiracy about the identification of “The Richest Man in the World”, (2) to dismiss from contention the current list of candidates, and (3) to document that a small number of Jewish banking families operating out of the City of London have for generations held these wealth records with fortunes that are orders of magnitude above anything we might have imagined. I trust this has been accomplished to the satisfaction of readers.
Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’.
[66] The world’s 50 Richest Jews: 1-10
[67] World’s 50 most influential Jews. The Jerusalem Post’s first annual list of those who are shaping the future.
[68] Today’s Jewish Corporate Heroes – Virgin Births All
[69] Hyperloop Alpha
[70] Evelyn de Rothschild, Scion of Banking Dynasty, Dies at 91
Many thanks for sharing – VERY interesting!
You may be aware that Freemasonry’s support of Communism, and the Jewish origins of Freemasonry, are all united in “The Plot against the Church” which is very extensively detailed in a book by that title, created by a group of prelates using a fictitious author’s name, and distributed to the Church hierarchy just before Vatican II:-
Pax tecum.