Editor’s Note: Since the times of the Apostles, Bishops of whatever age were allowed equally to have a voice in Synods and Councils when deciding any matter, and in the nomination and election of Patriarchs and Bishops in Eastern and Western Churches.
But since the time of Paul VI the right of Catholic Bishops who were over 75 years of age have lost all such rights, and are asked to resign. Even Cardinals over 80 years of age, can not vote in a Conclave.
I personally hold that whereas the Pope can remove right of Cardinals to do anything he likes, because the Cardinalate is a creation of the Popes, he cannot do so in regard to bishops, since the Order of Bishops is of Apostolic Tradition. But this opinion to which I hold has not yet gained the approval of any Synod, Council or Pope, though I believe it will be one day. I think, however, that any bishop thus deprived of his apostolic right can try to vindicate it, and until someone does, this grave error, will not be corrected.
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