Twitter now actively suppressing Forensic analysis of the Allen TX Narrative

As Twitter probably will suspend all accounts talking about this, FromRome publishes here the Screen Shots:

The above image was created by taking the original cellphone image, turning it 180 degrees and expanding. Here is the original, which is becoming increasing impossible to find on the internet as of today.

Note Well: that the original image from inside the restaurant was taken by a cellphone which flipped the image, since it was taken by the person looking at the screen view: this means the original image rightly-oriented should look like this:

The proper orientation is important forensically to see the scene as it was, and not as it might look in reverse, and thus the upside down original should actually look like this, from the left side of the face:

NOW IT CAN BE SEEN WHY IT WAS SHARED IN REVERSE, because in reverse it makes it appear that the tattoo is on the left hand, but it was on the right hand. Yet, the claimed shooter, Mauricio Garcia, has that Dallas City tattoo on the wrong hand!!!!

This image the day it was released had the FatBurger sign on an orange wall, but now the images show a white or clear wall with a badly toned out concrete. Videos are now circulating which show from within the restaurant a clear wall, and thus the sticker is made to be read from the outside. — However, in all franchise images of the FatBurger Restaurant Chain, you see solid color lower walls, not clear walls: which leads one to conclude that images are being manipulated (as reported yesterday, the Govt. now has the tech to do this on all computers linked to the internet, in very short time.

It is also, important to note that the Texas Police and FBI have NOT yet:

1. Given any proof that the alleged Russian Social Media Profile was of the Shooter

2. Shown any images of Nazi tatoos on the body of  the man who is claimed to be Mauricio Garcia.

3. Shown any images of the body of the dead shooter, disrobed, proving he has the same tattoos.

4. Have not publicly discounted as fake, any images alleged to be of the shooter or of Maurizio Garcia.

Finally, the Russian Federation authorities have, as of today, removed the social media profile in question, leaving NO PROOF now existing that it was ever of Garcia or the Shooter.

But Twitter’s aggressive censorship of the image of the dead shooter, seems to point to the real story. That he was neither Mauricio Garcia nor a right-wing neo-nazi.

Here are the images alleged to be of Mauricio Garcia on the 3 days following the shooting:

First, that which Fox News 3  of Dallas, TX, first claimed was Mauricio Garcia:

But after the image of the downed shooter was released by a private person (the photographer from inside the FatBurger Restaurant, presumably), this image of Mauricio was called a mistaken identity, of another man by the same name.

Then, media outlets released this image, which they claim, til today, is the shooter:

Finally, because this man still does not look enough like the downed shooter, BlackListedNews to support the official Narrative published this new image of the man:

Images of this man as well as social media posts are now appearing to bolster the official narrative. I say appearing, because we all know that the technology exists to manufacture images of faces and bodies. It is very interesting how many images are appearing: to bolster every verbal claim in the official narrative that was released two days ago. That, itself, is highly suspicious.

For further discussion, see the report by OMC Radio TV, from Monday.

In addition, the alleged dash cam video of the shooting is highly suspect:

For three reasons:

1. It has audio. But dash cams rarely have audio, unless they are of police cars. Other versions have no audio.
2. The vehicle with the cam begins to back up before seeing the shooter get out and shoot.
3. The car which passes the alleged shooter seen in this video, passes at a speed which appears to indicate he is not an active shooter.
4. Images of this video have been seen with the shooter dressed in a light color shirt, and others in total black;

There is reason, therefore to believe that this footage has been doctored.

Also, who shot it, an accomplice? That would explain a lot of things.

CREDITS: All images are in the public domain or are here used for editorial commentary in accord with free speech laws. Note, that in international copyright law, any image released to the public before being copyrighted enters the public domain if it lacks such a claim and is released without any intention of monetary gain by the creator of the image, for public interest.

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3 thoughts on “Twitter now actively suppressing Forensic analysis of the Allen TX Narrative”

  1. Sorry, but you got that wrong with the reverse picture. The Fatburger sign is placed on the window so that you can read it from outside of the restaurant. It doesn’t make sense to read the sign from inside. Also if you read the sign from inside of the restaurant the colours are washed. The sign would have red, black and yellow colours much more vivid and that would be if you are to read it from outside looking into the restaurant. So, he does have a tattoo on his left hand. Still good pictures. Thanks

    1. The picture showed a orange colored pane the day it appeared on twitter, for an inside sign apparently: I have multiple witnesses to this image, though none if from TX. As for placing a sign on clear pane of glass, it could be, one should have to check old drive by images or ask those in Allen TX. — In fact, all the franchises of FatBurger show solid colors below the wainscot…

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