WHO wants children to begin “having sex with themselves” from birth

Editor’s Note: While it is impossible to do this, I have used the popular phrase rather than the more explicit English, to keep FromRome as family friendly as possible.

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6 thoughts on “WHO wants children to begin “having sex with themselves” from birth”

    1. The whole idea is to make them sex slaves from birth. This is the Pedo heaven they are working for.

      1. BINGO!!! Is that not what The Bible recommends? Look where all our False Empathy for the PEDOPHILES SUFFERING FROM PEDOPHILIA AS CHILDREN HAVE GOTTEN US. It’ s HIGHLY RECIDIVISTIC CRIME.

  1. To John:
    There aren’t enough millstones. . . . .unless perhaps we tie 3 – 4 to each millstone. . . . .

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