JAPAN: Scientists say within 5 years they will able to conceive & gestate Humans without parents


Editor’s Note: They won’t be able to create anything. What they could at most do is form, using parts or genetic material from existing humans, a new being or creature. I do not think that anyone will have the right to say that such a creature is a son of Adam, that is a human being, since he/she/it won’t be a product of human generation in any direct way, not even as much as “test tube” babies are.

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3 thoughts on “JAPAN: Scientists say within 5 years they will able to conceive & gestate Humans without parents”

  1. The embryo / child in utero is conditioned by the mother’s heartbeat, her voice, and what it hears from the outside environment. Absent these normal and natural conditioning influences, these “experiments” would seem to be decanted already with brains lacking normal formational influences; and probably one or more mental / emotional illnesses

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