FRANCE: The Rebuilding of Notre Dame, at Paris, revives Medieval Technologies

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3 thoughts on “FRANCE: The Rebuilding of Notre Dame, at Paris, revives Medieval Technologies”

  1. That’s good. French have lost many of their capacities but not all.
    The Notre Dame affair was a great symbol of darkness. Under Macron and just before the year of covidranny.
    Anyway.. Notre dame alas is not really a cult cathedral anymore but more a house of tourism and takeover of FM of Paris (who were first to cry, all those mecreants) with no feeling of the sacred. Joyfully, there are so many churches everywhere, with the particularity of each being different. Each time you enter a french church, you are really elsewhere.. the style is always special, and the atmosphere is very often special too. I went to portuguese, spanish, german, italian churches.. not the same impression 😉

  2. La douce France at it’s best.
    Amidst the islamic invasion of Europe.

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