W.H.O. Director says new “Vaccine Passports” will be required to participate in Society

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6 thoughts on “W.H.O. Director says new “Vaccine Passports” will be required to participate in Society”

  1. One. World. Government. Take. Over. No. Respect. For. National Soverventy! Somebody stop them!!! Autonomy violators! Privacy is our natural right! This is a violation of human rights! May God have mercy on them.

    1. So I have to get a death shot now to participate in society do I…How many death shots would that be I wonder??? And will that be multiple bivalent shots or perhaps multiple quadrivalent shots for me to be “free to move about the country”?? Just NO!! And I wish someone would stop these twisted psychos as well. Just wait till they are armed with their new pandemic treaty and the blue helmets flooding our streets.

      1. To participate in society you have to get as many death vaxxes as is required to bury you in the ground, because that is the only kind of participation that these folks want for you.

  2. Satans little useful Somalian moron, who never took the deathvaxx himself. They all get real verified vaxx passes without
    taking a deathvaxx. Why is anyone following and listening to what a privately funded “health” organisation says?
    It’s an Illuminati organisation..

  3. Won’t be part of society just as we aren’t, now. We’ve made our own society and remain here among our Tribe. Don’t need to be any part of anything this demon in human being suits speaks of.

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