Robert Kennedy Jr.: DeathVaxx Program was run by NSA and US Military, NOT BigPharma

All DeathVaxed contained Green Monkey DNA Genome alterations, because nanoparticle contents were contamniated during the manufacturing process by Military Contractors. They knew this, but concealed it from everyone. Thus 3 billion or more persons now most likely have a new Genetic Heritage.

Dr. Bakhdi warns here also, that mRNA technology, as it is practiced now, is lethal and the WHO decision to impose this technology for all human and animal vaccines, will be the extinction of the human race and all animals used for human food supply.

This report confirms FromRome.Info’s report about the Great Divide, 20 months ago. — Another reason to be a daily reader of our journal. Our enemies attack us because we give you daily information to save your lives. — If this has value, help Br. Bugnolo, the editor for his personal needs.

Video of Robert Kenney Jr. in French on same topic:

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12 thoughts on “Robert Kennedy Jr.: DeathVaxx Program was run by NSA and US Military, NOT BigPharma”

  1. When will these vaccines be implemented on animals? This is going to be very difficult to avoid.

    1. You definitely do not want to eat vaccinated meat, unless its very well cooked, as that level of heat destroys this technology…

      1. Indeed. I am just wondering if this is something that is already implemented or when it will be.

    2. This is the reason they are killing farm grown cattle and poultry to introduce plant-based ( keyword APEEL ) meat for the next poisoning.

      I tell you, those plant based frozen meat reeks of pesticide.

    1. I do not think you can be transfected, without nano particles, because your cells defend against this kind of attack 24/7 destroying all intruders. Then there is bacteria all over and inside your body, who love eating rogue particles…. so no, from this program it seems impossible.

  2. RFK Jr.’s info came from two Substack Authors; Sasha Latypova’s ‘Due Diligence and Art’, and Katherine Watt’s Bailiwick News. The ladies are both ‘Niche Specialists’ and well worth the time to read. Kennedy demanded all their research and when Interviewed, it was possible to literally watch him overcome all ‘cognitive dissonance’ pertaining to the Ai/Bioweapon Injections and the motivation, intent and origin of agents within the vials. AMAZING INTERVIEW.
    Truly, among even the strongest of people witnessing evil throughout a lifetime; the level of evil perpetrated upon the people of Earth in these recent 3 years is next to impossible for many to accept.
    Kennedy has proven himself in the Interview of Sasha to be a man not easily convinced; but willing to learn and accept the worst possible common denominator behind the evil now confronting the world. Quite fascinating and genuinely impressive person.

    1. I sincerely doubt that your usual ROBUST SKEPTICISM can be set aside, RFK hangs out with all the wrong people and is a climate-nazi eugenicist.

  3. I m also interested in this statement, doctors confirmed that all dvxx contained aborted baby kidney cells. why nobody is discussing this?

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