A former Anglican bishop from Wales will be received into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church next month and serve as a priest with the Anglican Ordinariate, which was set up by former Pope Benedict XVI in 2011.https://t.co/TScFRioQhF pic.twitter.com/qmixHTjLiA
— Catholic News Agency (@cnalive) June 15, 2023
Will he be able to serve Mass immediately, under subservience with a Catholic Bishop, or like St. Paul, he needs to train for 10 years?
No, he will not serve as a Bishop
Before they are consecrated into the Catholic Church, they go thru a training period that ends with their Catholic acceptance as a priest. At least that is how those that were received into the Chair of Peter Ordinariate in North America were received. So that means he has been going thru the process already.
There are currently three Different Ordinariates: one in The Uk (Our Lady of Waldingham), one in North America (Chair of Oeter) and one in Australia / Pacific (Our Lady of Southern Cross).
The one in Australia Pacific is under review because it has not grown as originally anticipated, so it could be absorbed into one of the other two in the future.
Sorry for misspellings :
Our Lady of Walsingham
and Chair of Peter.
I have found that the word “Ordinariate” which refers to how it is governed within the Church– is irritatingly meaningless in evangelisation.
So to avoid the word “Anglican,” I say,
“I belong to the English Catholic Church, which is part of the Roman Catholic Church. It’s called the Ordinariate.” 😎
People immediately understand this as a culture-and-language identifier.
Sometimes “longest way round is shortest way home.”
It would have been so much clearer if we could say “Think of it as Anglican Rite Roman Catholic,” but we’re not allowed. 😫
@ Petrichor. I agree. There are also other Ordinariates, like the military Ordinariates. I like your suggestion “Anglican Rite Roman Catholic” has a nice ring. 😃
God bless him.