8 thoughts on “WEF Plan to rule the mind of men via A.I. simulated conversation”

  1. Harari is the emperor Elagabalus of our time, a man who thinks with his crotch and is both laughable and pitiable. We must all pray for his conversion with the utmost sincerity. I pray God forgive me for the intuition that doing so is the thing most likely to enrage this dissolute sodomite.

  2. Klaus Schwab and Uval Harari go together like Dr. Frankenstein and Igor. Harari is a mediocre academic with a vivid imagination. In his books, he presents his opinions about human history and progress as fact not speculation. He tells King Klaus what he wants to hear like a good court jester. And these two are convinced they and their elite group will rule the world. It would be funny if their evil plans didn’t pose such a dangerous threat to humanity.

  3. I believe that search engines will gradually be replaced by ChatGPT and similar conversational AI models. This transition will not be forced; instead, people will naturally gravitate towards using ChatGPT and similar tools more and more. The reason for this shift is that using ChatGPT is easier compared to searching on a search engine or navigating through websites.

    In fact, currently, for certain areas of science, it is easier to use ChatGPT to find answers rather than searching through forums. However, ChatGPT is still highly unreliable, even for objective scientific questions. Therefore, it is necessary to possess enough knowledge to independently verify the information provided by ChatGPT.

    The main danger, as you mentioned, lies in the possibility of the echo chamber effect and the proliferation of misinformation through ChatGPT and similar technologies. However, the responsibility ultimately lies with the individuals who utilize these powerful tools without exercising discretion.

    Artificial intelligence, at its core, is essentially a vast lookup table. Its “intelligence” is derived from the immense size of its index. Despite its seemingly complex nature, AI is fundamentally a straightforward lookup mechanism, albeit on an incredibly massive scale.

    I use ChatGPT every day for coding purposes and occasionally challenge it in philosophical debates. One major flaw I have noticed in ChatGPT is its inability to recognize when it makes mistakes or when it lacks the knowledge to answer a question. It can be seen as a very proficient deceiver (if you are not master on the field, so it will cause chaos on indiscreet people). While I am aware of its limitations, there are instances when I become lazy and attempt to push ChatGPT beyond its capabilities and almost 99% of the time, the answers it provides are incorrect, when I know I’m asking something too hard for it. Since my interactions primarily revolve around coding, I can quickly identify the inaccuracies in its responses.

    In summary, ChatGPT is indeed limited in its capabilities. However, it possesses enough power to potentially deceive individuals who are unaware of its limitations and unsure of what to expect as a response to their questions.

    1. I believe Amazon is using Chapt GPT already for customer service. I tested it the other day, when the agent asked a question, I responded: I do not understand why you used a question mark in your reply. It froze and could not continue.

  4. St. Anthony of Padua had been successfully preaching to the people persuading them to observe and keep the 2nd Commandment. He told the people to curse the Demoncrat whenever something bad happened.
    The Demoncrat appeared (at)tempting him to cease preaching accordingly. St. Anthony simply stated: “I don’t need you to go to Hell.” The Demoncrat disappeared.

    The Absolute would absolve repentant sinners.
    The Absolute will not absolve the unrepentant and obstinate in sin.

    The worst words a Soul can hear, is to hear the Omniscient say, “Away from Me, ye accursed, I know you not.”—St. John Viennay

  5. It is appointed for all men once to die, then judgment. Then Heaven or Hell for Eternity.

    You WeFrs, demoncrats, see a ‘golden’ opportunity to make a killing, (lots of ‘money’), by killing, (murdering, ‘liquidating’, eliminating), 7.5 billion ‘useless eaters’. And you call this ‘progress’? Indeed Progress it is. Everybody progresses toward Death, then Judgment, then Heaven or Hell. Hour by Hour, Day by Day.

    And now you WeFrs would have us believe a Gospel composed by AI, Artificial Intelligence, ‘created’ by creatures of Natural Intelligence, as correct, as accurate, as perfect, as infallible, rather than the Gospel given us by The(o) One and Only, Supernatural Intelligence, God?

    The Last Gospel, the Lasting Gospel, the Everlasting Gospel, from John 1:1-14 will be read and reread, written and rewritten, preached and re-preached, taught and retaught, learned and relearned, as it was in the Beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
    per omnia saecula saeculorum.

    Jesus Christ, yesterday, and today; and the same for ever.
[Hebrews 13:8] drbo.org

    You WeFrs would have us ‘useless eaters’ believe that God does not ‘exist’.
    You WeFrs would have us ‘useless eaters’ believe that God, The(o) One and Only Creator, is a creature. You WeFrs would have us ‘useless eaters’ believe that God is not The(o) Creator. The(o) One and Only Creator.
    The(o) One and Only Who can say, and says YHWH:

    ‎“ישוע הנוצרי ומלך היהודים”
    c יהוה

    Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος ὁ βασιλεὺς τῶν Ἰουδαίων

    Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum

    Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.

    Do follows Be.
    Be is Be(for)(e) Do.
    The Creator Is.
    Creatures exist.

    Without Me, you are and do nothing.
    Salvation is from the Jews.
    You will not visit all the cities of Israel before I come.
    When The(o) Son of Man comes will He find Faith?

    There are Jews and there are jews.
    We Christians are spiritual Jews.
    —Pope Pius XII
    One dead Jew is one too many dead jews.

    God has His Rights.
    God has His Religion.
    God is The(o) Lawd.
    God is Truth.
    Error has no rights.

    Homo Sapiens knows that The(o) Omniscient knows that the Male and the Female of Homo Sapiens know that what God has put together, let no man put asunder, neither by fission nor by fusion.

    To you WeFrs:

    One (too many) of you hath a devil.
    One (too many) of you betrays Me.

    I don’t need you, to go to Hell.
    —St. Anthony of Padua

    Russia is to be Consecrated.
    Russia is to be converted.

    The Immaculate, Mary, will Triumph.

    Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints.

    Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth – Demoncracy damned and banned as in Heaven – Peace to men of Good Will.

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