This is a continuation of the game played by Freemasons in the Vatican, who invested in the largest producer of contraceptives in Italy, and then got Paul VI to float the idea of contraception for 5 years, before condemning it in Humanae Vitae, by which time the damage had been done and sales exploded.
And yes, the Vatican not only approves this Chain of Hospitals, but also INVESTS IN THEM!
This is perhaps the real reason for the Synod on Synodality, which is aiming to mainstream sodomy, polygamy and transgender operations: the Vatican Bank might very well have investments in these areas!
These clerics are going to receive a most tremendous punishment from God Almighty! — More on this in the following previous report from OMC Radio TV:
Human mutilation ( sex change ) is also condemned in Humanae Vitae.
The reason Pope Paul 6th changed his mind is that he stated that he recieved the doctrine in Revelation and begged people to obey it. The Catholic press never printed this reason.I read it in a secular newspaper at the time.1968.
I don’t think Paul VI is credible on this point, just as I do not think John 23 is credible in his claim to have been inspired to call Vatican II.
Brother, I have written to Hichborn asking why his Lepanto site’s list of Catholic orgs. that are unsafe – why he does not list Catholic Charities. He never replies. Catholic Charities is a player in mass migration and human trafficking. He needs to come clean.
Dignity Health! My husband and I are patients. #@&$? I know of a psychiatrist @ Dignity whose brother is a Chabad rabbi in Israel! What and how perverse and anti-Christian and satanic is the Chabad sect in Judaism? Visit http://www.Henry
EVERY SYSTEM IN THE WORLD IS CORRUPTED and people continue in complacency…As though anesthatized by Satan and having NO ‘Courage of Conviction’ originating with the Faithful in Jesus Christ.
Never realized how disgusting and putrid those claiming Faith in God could be…As they celebrate ‘Murder in the Womb’ and this travesty of delusion revolving around Sexual Perversion/Abomination, Baby/Child/Human Trafficking with Torture, Murder…So heinous.
Having dreams of pitch forks, shovels, mining picks…