Lots of Big Red Pills in this short video … The New Psychological Prison


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12 thoughts on “Lots of Big Red Pills in this short video … The New Psychological Prison”

  1. ‘My Dinner with Andre’, Compelling and thought provoking movie from I think the 80’s? Haven’t seen it in years but am tempted to re watch in light of being red pilled since Covid.

  2. Yes indeed, this is the actual reality and most everyone I know outside of faithful Catholic circles is, more or less, zombified (oblivious / in denial). Did anyone else note the reference to Findhorn (notorious locus of new age whackjobbery in Scotland) in this clip? I conclude that in the full movie, spiritual misdirection will be interleaved with some truth, so will avoid. Beware “The Great Awakening”!

  3. 15 minute cities is a built-in prison made by its townsfolk, for their townsfolk.

    Add a bit of schizophrenia [Marburg] and people would stop crossing towns.

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