Frenchmen are being hacked to pieces in the streets (Extremely Graphic)
Editor’s Note: It all began with protests that a known criminal from Morocco was arrested. Then the entire Islamic community of Paris rose, now it is spreading across the nation, with looting and mayhem.
But while Paris burned, Emmanuel Macron actually attended a concert. Which makes one think that the insurrection is willed by the Globalists to create an environment for greater control measures to be accepted.
You can’t bring islam to a civilized country.
This is copybook stuff from Libanon in the 70ties.
They probably used that as an experiment.
There is a news blackout too. You will never see the Muslim jihad in France in any Google or Bing Search.
Riots beginning a short civil war in France in ” a June & July” by unchristian migrants were prophecied by the Breton stigmatist Marie Julie Jahenny (1850 – 1941) . Soon similar anarchy will spread all across Europe; when France is stabilised, riots will break out in the UK. Eventually the government will flee Paris, an unrepentant Nineveh, & it will be destroyed by “fire from heaven.” (all prophecy conditional, of course depending on repentance)
The best book setting out APPROVED prophecies including those of Marie Julie Jahenny is the recent one in English, “Revelations” by Frenchman Xavier Reyes-Ayral, who has been interviewed on Youtube– look for his name.
I also used to believe in these prophecies, ans I even visited the town where the visions took place and met with the grand daughter of the Marquis who wrote her biography. But I changed my mind when I watched a video Bugnolo and AJ posted on Ordo Militaris detailing why the visions of Marie Julie Jahenny are false.
It would be more precise to say, that it is now impossible to say which are hers and which are interpretations, but even if they are authentically of her, that does not mean they are of God. As she is not a saint of the Church.
I have never had a Twitter account, but have always been able to “view only” Twitter posts.
I see now that is no longer allowed. When I click on these posts there is a message prompt to create an account in order to view.
More Twitter nonsense.
You can easily identify Muslims as they always wear black in their violence.
Incidentally the Satanist youth also wear black shirts and attend black masses.