Archbishop Viganò puts Pope Francis outside of the Church, in new Diatribe

Editor’s Note: I am continually amazed that the Archbishop launches public attacks but never calls for a canonical treatment of his objections in a Provincial Council or Synod. I think the accusation has merits worthy of consideration, but I also think that the Lord would give the man accused the grace to have a change of heart, if he were so publicly accused. — The Archbishop, therefore, is walking right out of the Church into the error of Sedevacantism and thus into the hands of Freemasonry.

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8 thoughts on “Archbishop Viganò puts Pope Francis outside of the Church, in new Diatribe”

    1. External signs do not mean as much as actions. A change of heart would be to reverse the actions he took while being an anti pope.

      The Pharisee did as much publicly and Our Lord Jesús Christ made an example of his actions when he compare him to the publican prayer not raising his sight up.

      Repentance comes first, action second and forgiveness is for God to give. We do not know what thoughts were on Pope Francis at that moment, but he still has not reversed any of his previous actions.

  1. Can’t believe the predisposition towards naivete here…As though the Freemason/Illuminati Clans don’t live all of life as a Charade as they are Charlatans of the Demonic always hiding in the shadows and working hard to maintain FALSE CALM within all of their human property. The APPEARANCE of holiness is a cheap trick of the uninitiated in life pretending on the World Stage.

  2. Bishop Viganò’s Exsurge is like pretending to counter a virus by advocating something that has the name of a vaccine but that is a deathvax.

    Exsurge Domine is a papal bull promulgated on 15 June 1520 by Pope Leo X against M. Luther.

    Vigano’s fake bull remedy is worse than the illness. It will kill the Catholic faith in more people than Pope Francis’ errors.

  3. I repeat again.Important.: The word gangsters, working sleuthfully, took 2 separate words and joined them to mean something entirely different from their original meaning
    The exact timing of this word criminalization is uncertain. It’s such a pervasive lie now that hardly anyone bothers to ck out my admonition, nor tries to stir its truth back into the minds eyes of priest or people.
    The word” repent ” does not translate to Do Penance. Penance is the action one does to make up to God for sinning against Him. This is upheld in the Catholic church in the Sacrament of Confession Repent is the turning back to God
    when you confess your sins to the Priest who is Gods ordained priest.Then he absolves you and gives you a Penance to perform… That is Doing Penance.
    The oldest Jewish words were” DOPenance…”
    Not “repent”. Our Ladys words at Fatima were ,”Do Penance “.

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