The Vatican released this image, which explains everything, to those who appreciate true religious art (which that is not):
And yes, that is Alex Soros, whose head is on the same level as that of the serpent being crushed. — The image is of “Our Lady, who unties the knots”, which is strange of itself, but Divine Providence knows how to allow Our Lady to photo bomb Her opponents.
More on this meeting, here below. I believe this meeting was unannounced (which is the Vatican equivalent of secret), because if anyone knew these creeps were to visit, there would be a horde of photographers, journalists and protesters outside all the Gates of the Vatican, where security is so lax that you can drive in without being stopped.
Here is another group photo of the event. I cannot identify the man in middle of the three suited guests, but, this photo shows the Immaculate Foot of the Queen of Angels of Men, with Her Vicar on the right, and Her enemies on the Left: The Snake, Bill Clinton, the unknown man, and Alex Soros, the son of George Soros. — The Vatican is sending a strong message, for those with eyes to see it.
What about the reason for this meeting and what was discussed? That has not yet been explained.
However, though the Sedevacantists insist otherwise (to justify the illicit things they do, and the grooming of Catholics whom they attempt to lead out of the Church) Christ’s promise to Peter does not regard the Pope’s friends, opinions, or politics, only regards doctrine and the integrity of the Deposit of the Faith, which is why no sane Catholic preaches papolatry.
As a Catholic we are not obliged in the least to be the political allies of the Roman Pontiff, when he sides or succumbs to the enemies of the Church, but only when he fights against them. Our Lord permits the former, because He founded His Church to save the innocents of this world, while letting the wicked go to their doom, and because they are not of His elect, He does not give a care that they go to their doom, but Has established a Church where those who want to be saved in Her can be, and those who do not, whether in Her or not, are not. — It is we, however, who must examine ourselves, because even if we object that these people met with the Pope, that is no guarantee that we won’t end up in the same place as some or all of them, in their present spiritual trajectories, are headed.
Br. Bugnolo, your interpretation of current events is remarkable for its clarity. I cannot thank you enough. Where would we be without you? I have often said that there is no way I will ever depart willingly from the Barque of St. Peter. Yet, how many people went out and took the clot-shot precisely with this same intent to stay in the Church? Discernment is life or death.
They don’t even care anymore. Now they confirm to you that they have infiltrated the Vatican, and that they are controlling the Pope, and other high ranked individuals.
It’s like watching a movie. It is escalating and moving forward fast. These foot-soldiers seem to have a deadline. Is it 2030?
They are rushing like bugs trying to hide from the sun.
Where is the Holy Crusader’s?
They have their army, where is ours?
How do we fight them when they have infiltrated and spread everywhere for centuries?
It’s sickening..
You exaggerate, because you probably have never read Church History. The enemies of Christ have many times chosen, captured, imprisoned and appointed popes. The Church has survived, and none of these destroyed the Church. Have faith in Jesus Christ, that is our strength. And start lobbying Cardinals.
On a separate note: Does anyone has any news on the Apostolic Visit (investigation) of Bishop Strickland and the Diocese of Tyler in the USA?
The modernists are trying to do everything they can to go after those opposed to abortion, while those bishops like Bishop Olson of Fort Worth Diocese get away with their opposition to tradicional Cloistered Nuns.
Everyone is strangely silent. I do not think it was even at the level of an Apostolic Visitation. But rather a personal intervention. Bishop Strickland participated in a protest in Los Angeles, it appears, without the permission of the local Ordinary there. And my theory is to prevent it being known that the LA ordinary objected, he asked the Vatican to send some bishops to Tyler to remind him that his jurisdiction ends at the borders of his diocese. There was an amicable discussion and Strickland held his ground, as can be reasonably inferred from his subsequent social media posts. — Strickland has a co consecrator who is of the House of Rampolla, so he might get easy treatment from Bergoglio.
Yes this is not the one time the enemies of God appointed a pope.
They happened to appoint two in the past to push the agenda Vatican II.
St. Padre Pio still tells us to submit to the pope. He lived in those times and is an excellent example of how to live as a follower of Christ, clergy or layman alike.
Submit is not the correct term, since the Christian faith is not like the Islamic. For submission implies force and the non equation of power. In Christianity, the correct term is obedience of faith, that is, the recognition on account of the Faith God gives us that He has placed superiors over us, that we obey in matters which are just and licit and within the limits of the jurisdiction He has granted them. So there never was an obligation of submission in our Holy Religion, speaking in precise terms. God Himself wants loving obedience, not the sacrifice of submission. So when a Pope is corrupt morally and or politically, there is never the question of following himm or praising him in his errors. And indeed true Charity requires a true rebuke or reprimand, which is not done by a grifter on YT but in council in the presence of Bishops, as a Provincial Council can do.
Thank you!
‘Birds of a feather flock together’.
This does not bode well.
This whole sad episode looks suspiciously like what was foretold in Revelations. Is it possible for a pope to be the False Prophet? Because it says the False Prophet will introduce Antichrist to the world.
It is possible for a pope spiritually speaking, or in the person he is as a man, not as the pope, to be the false prophet. The Doctors of the Church admit that the Antichrist might be a true pope, even. Here we must distinguished between the man and the office. Christ will never allow official acts of the Pope to attack the Faith, but if you are a sloppy thinker, you cannot discern which these are, and if you have little faith the apparent scandal can lead you into apostasy, like all Sedevacantists. … Bergogio was anitpope from March 13, 2013 until January 30, 2023, and in that time I think he was the False Prophet. I explain this in the lead article, the Triumph of the Lamb in the header of this electronic journal.
Guy in the middle looks like Clinton’s son-in-law.
Yes, that is right. Not only his son-in-law, but his Oxford roomate. Sick…