Editor’s Note: FromRome.Info this time is ahead of the game, having warned its readers of the Globalist plan for another fake Pandemic weeks ago, on June 1st, here. And here is the proof, on July 6, 2023, the warning of a Triple-demic in the fall. Why do they say a tripledemic? Because the hydrogel in the DeathVaxxes was predisposed to produce 3 different kinds of viral toxins, to mimic among other things the Marburg “virus” and two other pathogens. So in part this warning is to psychologically prepare everyone to accept the next fake Narrative, in part, it is disinformation. Read my article on how it will all go down here.
2 thoughts on “USA: The CDC begins the drums for the next Plandemic”
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I think this will happen first: lockdown the accounts of the unvaccinated – before Fall.
At Fall, they will need to get work so some will think of getting jabbed just to get a job. Others will resort to camping/squatting/tents/homeless. The police will be used AGAIN.
This will happen to the blue-pilled.