Are you 18-24, a resident of the EU, and want to become a Christian Crusader?

OMC Europe — Youth Camp

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4 thoughts on “Are you 18-24, a resident of the EU, and want to become a Christian Crusader?”

  1. Crusading is against the 10 commandments imho.
    And it is romanticed.
    Nowadays you shouldn’t sent your youth in a war.
    We, as Christians should have learned this.
    The weapons of today are much more terrifying than 1000 years ago.

    Matthew 26:53 Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?
    We must pray too!
    Big time.’

    This idea of crusading makes you less trustworthy.

    1. Marcel, to be as charitable as I can be, your opinion runs counter to about 2 dozen popes, From Bl. Urban II to St. Sixtus V. So if you are a Catholic, you better revise your calendar of saints and go back in time to 1095 and start your own Church…

      1. These are other times, Brother.
        And both parties (I think you are refering to the Ukrain/Russia war) are catholics too.

      2. I do not think any Catholics are fighting for Russia, because there are only about 3 out of every 1000 residents of the Russian Federation, and they are all in parts of Russia which are not being drafted.

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