by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
It is now even more noticeable that two months ago. Whereas once you could find tens of thousands of results on a search engine under my personal name, now I am being framed in a narrative to psychologically condition a potential reader before he even reads anything about my name.
Here is the evidence from July 20, 2023, search engines.
As far as this engine goes, there are only 30 articles which you should read to know who I am, and not but 1 is at FromRome.Info. The rest are on sites known for serial libel such as Reddit and FB.
Compare that with …
Which says that there are 102 thousand — yes THOUSAND — pages on the internet which have information about me.
And, even,
Which says there are more than 17 thousand
It is clear that DuckDuckGo is leading the pack in censorship, and I expect that the game they are playing will spread to nearly all search engines on all topics opposing Agenda 2030, within a few months. So begin to bookmark rival search engines and perhaps using my name is a good thermometer to test how controlled they are.
Among the results on DuckDuckGo, you can find even a Reddit where someone says, that they are thankful that they took the Vaxx and did not listen to Br. Bugnolo. The thread is closed, perhaps because the commentator got what they sought.
Imagine Jesus approves heartily…That’s the real Badge of Honor!
Take a look at the comments on Christine Niles’s post “We know there’s a crisis in the Church… God just might hear you and start cleansing His Church.”
My comment: “ God IS cleansing His Church.”
And then : “ Certainly NOT by the means you and Alexis Bugnolo have chosen. Talk about leading the faithful right into the arms of the Antichrist! Lord, have mercy. 🙏”
Canora Mori is a notorious feminist who poses as a Catholic. She loves to disagree with men and criticize them harshly in public. I am surprised she did not call your Walter, while posing behind the image of a saint and lashing out like an atheist.
Yet, there is no evidence she is not an AI bot, since she seems only to pop by to say something outrageous.
If she thinks trusting in Jesus Christ’s High Priestly prayer is leading the faithful into the arms of the Antichrist, she probably will be the first one to adore the image of the Beast when it comes, because to suit her love of her own judgement and in spite of all the facts that she has no authority in the Church whatsoever, she prefers to judge men in the Church and deprive them of their offices and rights, like a pride inspired demon, working night and day to tear souls away from Christ’s vicar on Earth and sow scandal.
If she is a human, she is the perfect reason why St. Paul said he would not let woman speak in Church. And thus like many so called traddies after the council, while they criticized the hierarchy they actually put into practice the vile habits of heretics and protestants, who will not take the yoke of the Apostle’s counsel upon themselves, like the holy woman whose image she hides behind to launch contumely against everyone.
It’s a matter of time and the Catholic faith will get the same treatement.
As was predicted 2000 years ago.
Thank you for being free in Christ, Brother. Please pray for me, my family and for a potential future husband who now speaks of converting. Thank you.
Note that those two search engines are the most promoter of porn around the world, historically.
Microsoft Bing is even BETTER in censorship.
The claws of globalists are closing on all our freedoms. We will all be muted after this summer. In France it’s from August 25th on (“thanks” to Thierry Breton, chosen for being particularly stupid and mean). Why this date (it’s a Friday)? Saint Louis (Saint of France)? .. anyway this will be a new Saint Barthelemy.