USA: Voris explains how Deep State has bought all the Bishops

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2 thoughts on “USA: Voris explains how Deep State has bought all the Bishops”

  1. Voris has been rightly castigating the USCCB for as long as his apostolate has been in existence.

    Here in the UK we sadly lack any such apostolate who is prepared to consistently investigate & report on any corruption or immorality in our various Bishops’ Conferences……
    Whilst I hope & pray that they are not as “bought & paid for” as the USCCB, I suspect that malpractice of one sort or another is not a stranger to them……
    And, of course, they all complied obediently with the infamous Plandemic “lockdowns” in 2020……

    Kyrie eleison;
    Christe eleison;
    Kyrie eleison.

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