Meanwhile, there is no rage in the press about the real horrors …
Editor’s Note: It is quite evident that if the Globalist want to, that they can stir up the rage of 10’s of millions of Muslims and get their govts. to allow them emigrate in mass, in a huge Jihad, against the West. I think the only thing holding the WEF back for a project like this is that they are too cheep to pay for it.
I also think there is rising awareness from even moderates that illegal immigration is a real problem if not the death knell of our society. Or it simply could be that they will be invited in when the deaths caused by the vaccines accelerate.
What the “Imam of peace” said public exactly a month ago is now proven to be a lie.
If he goes with his own narrative then these tens of millions of Muslims shouting in their governments are all convicted criminals, “human ****” in his own words.
What did he say?
“Imam of peace” said that the west “accepted the garbage … ” and “they deserve what they get”.
Well that is true, if by “the West” he means the leaders that the citizens of western countries have allowed to lead them.
The police force here in Sweden allow the burning of the koran. That says a lot I think.
There was an “activist”, as the media said, that were going to burn the Bible and the Torah aswell but he changed his mind and did not burn them. Funny thing is that the guy who burned the muslim book, the media posted the guys picture and his full name. The arab activist was only called an activist and his name was not published.
God bless
Is this the Globalist revenge for Sweden and Denmark having rejected the vaxx and protocols?
Either way, Muslim immigrants do not know borders nor do they care about reading.
Atleast here in Sweden we have a 89% vaxxinated population from 12 years and up, according to the official numbers from our health department Folkhalsomyndigheten. It is correct that my country rejected most of the protocols in public, exept in the health service and hospitals, but unfortunately not the vaxx itself. I think Denmark is about the same in statistics of the vaxx.
God bless
Correction; 88% have had atleast 1 dose vaxx here in Sweden. 2 doses 86% and can you believe it; 66,6% have had 3 doses of the vaxx. 66,6%, of course that number had to be there. Check the Folkhalsomyndigheten website vaxx statistics for eventual confirmation.
God bless
Are there reports about sudden death, myocarditis or blood clots in Sweden?
Quite the number of celebrities here have died since the vaxx campaign. When they do publish the cause though it is most often cancer related. Most of the time they do not mention cause of death. They rarely heart attacks.
Personally I have had neighbours in my apartment house passing away since the vaxxes. Both of them had cancer prior to the vaxx. A friends relative also passed away just weeks ago because of cancer. If it is truly cancer of heart related, I do not know. I also have a friend who recently had a stroke and she is only 37. She have had 2 vaxx doses.
However, they have placed several heart attack revival systems in my town this past year but they have not mentioned any rise in heart attacks in general in the media.
God bless
Same in our country, they normalise the politician or artist deaths “as old age cancer”. If it is a heart attack, the death is NOT described, the news will only put the age.
Editor, I realise I did not give a straight answer to your question. The short answer to all those three things you mentioned is; No.
God bless