Editor’s Note: Why death panels, well in addition to all the obvious reasons, a Billionaire like Gates can bribe death panels to kill more people faster than he could do by any other method, and at the same time act with complete legal immunity from prosecution for mass murder.
Jim Ferguson, from the U.K. gets into the psychology of the psychopath, here …
What most of these globalist billionaires have in common is their hatred for humanity. For them, the motivation for making their money was it was a means to an end. The ability to use their wealth to control mankind and depopulate the earth. The exact opposite of Almighty God’s commandment to us.
Those are the Centers for Disease Control offices in every Masonic country. Maybe only a few countries in Africa have no CDC buildings.
One only purpose: depopulate.
All other things are means.
“The good news Is: the fast We improve health, the Faster familie’s size comes down”
Tomorrow I will create a new software, sell it with forcing methods around the world, become rich and at the end decide who on earth will live and who will not.
Nobody asks why we let that guy from nowhere with his computers, being now busy with our health and worried about world’s population?
He’d better stay in his huge undercrowded villa, with his 3 children (was he in bad health condition then to have 3 of them!?) and leave us alone!
When I’m sick I do not go to the computer’s service of my neighbourhood. I go to a doctor who has followed certain cursus in medecine (even if there are some reservations..nowadays).
Hahaha. Bill Gates biographer.
Gave up with Windows many years ago.
Easy to bring a PC or laptop to life with a distribution like Ubuntu and purge Gate’s horrible operating system. I have a laptop from 2004 that still runs OK on Ubuntu.
What a shocking thing to be an enemy of God.
The sins the Globalists commit, when revealed, will shock even the unbeliever.
God will use The Warning to show each and everyone what sin is and what it does to the soul. The saints wrote it, in the Warning we will experience it, as the seers say, in our bodies.
If there are death panels, Gates, Fauci, Soros, etc should be the first names on it . Stock up now with Ivermectin before the next pandemic.
Stock up on weapons too, because the police will come knocking at your door. Learn from the mistake of Russia, who allowed themselves to be terrorized by a handful, even less than a hundred police who knocks on their doors.