Abu Dhabi initiative plans meeting between Zelensky and Putin at C28 Meeting in November

Editor’s Note: If this initiative is allowed to succeed, then at least an armistice might be declared by Christmas. And since the end of that war is necessary to properly shift the  Globalist Narrative on to its next theme, this might be an indication of when the next Plandemic might be launched: After Nov. 20 – Dec. 12, 2023.

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3 thoughts on “Abu Dhabi initiative plans meeting between Zelensky and Putin at C28 Meeting in November”

  1. Hmmm……6th December looks satanically appropriate……06. 6 (+) 6. [2023]……
    I am recalling your very accurate prediction of the masonic-globalists’ most recent ‘surprise move’ – Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022!

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