by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
The signs are now all clear, consistent and have the same theme. The Globalist Narrative going forward will be, “There is a new pandemic of a Covid variant, ‘Eris’, which is much worse and will kill many more people unless you take a Covid ‘Vaccine’.”.
The international media is already pushing the narrative.
BigPharma has announced their old DeathVaxxes as effective against it.
Numerous sources insist that this time the lockdowns have to be imposed more quickly and be more severe.
I therefore prognosticate that within days, the W. H. O. will declare a new pandemic and demand governments put us all in a horrible orwellian lockdown, to make the past one seem mild in comparison.
But mere propaganda will not work a second time.
Human psychology does not work that way. They merely cannot claim there are deaths. They will have to convince the masses this time with real deaths.
Dr. Rashid Buttar hypothesized that they can do this via hydrogel technology in the Covid DeathVaxxes, which on signal from 5G can begin to manufacture “the Marburg virus”.
I think that is possible, but “marburg virus” needs to be changed out in his warning for “lethal toxins”.
While this propaganda strategy seems absurd, namely, to declare another covid-like Pandemic, I believe there is a astuteness in it, in this, that by doing so, the un-awaken masses will not seek to find a different cause, and thus be lulled to sleep, whereas if there was a new “Virus” and new kind of death, people might start thinking.
All those strange structures which La Quinta observed forming in the DeathVaxx liquid when exposed to 5G and 4G radiation might therefore have a purpose.
It’s not just bluetooth signals. Its receivers for some sort of signal to trigger some sort of reaction.
Therefore, I think it prudent to TURN OFF ALL BLUE TOOTH DEVICES in those homes where anyone has been vaxxed. And perhaps best to power them down or turn them off and disconnect them from the power grid.
But to achieve their goal of fooling the masses a second time, they will have to undertake a very complex and distributed signaling campaign to cause deaths world-wide and in large groups.
The cover for this might be cellphone updates. For they can update your phone, use it to launch the signal on 5G or Bluetooth, and then after deaths are caused, update it again to remove the software which perpetrated the murders.
It’s the perfect crime.
I have already explained many times what you should have done to prepare for this next Plandemic and what you should be doing, that I will not repeat it here. I will let my faithful readers show how expert they are by citing the articles in the comments below.
A FINAL NOTE: Since the toxins of the Marburg disease cause lethal internal hemorrhaging 5-9 days after they are released into the blood stream, we can expect the declaration of a Pandemic 5-9 days after the signal is given to the hydrogel to produce these toxins. Individuals with unique BlueTooth codes, by reason of their receiving the DeathVaxxes must be the presumed targets. And this means that the Die-on-Signal command might already be in the process of being transmitted from 5G, 4G and Bluetooth devices and cellphone towers.
FEATURED IMAGE: The featured image, often used for Sars-Cov2 is itself a fake, taken from a laboratory years before the 2020 “Pandemic”, showing exosomes of unidentified source.
It’s the acute radiation syndrome: hematopoietic, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and central nervous system afected. Then you join some cold and symptons in the fall (normal as allways: ) and you have the complete frame of “sars cov” symptons. The net it all mounted against all rules (near to houses, to schools, to hospitals, to nursing homes). Many antenas are hidden or camuflated. The environment Is potentialy exposed to artificial radiation. The ARS (acute radiation syndrome) was first identified in the sovietic union because of nuclear radiation effects, but It regards all kind of radiation in the radiation spectrum wavelength. That’s why some protocols have been created to defend populations and workers from radiation.
26ghz is the frequency that allows to augmentate from GHz to THz using those who transport graphene in their bodies. This “miracle” substance as THEY say is present in various injectables (even anesthesics and flu V*). The final symptoms come from the interaction between the emited radiation (turned on) and the human body reaction increased (when there Is the case) by the presence of the GO.
Cold, flu.
How to defend from emr
But first of all, pray. Live in prayer.
In Portugal the flu + Cv* sazonal autumn – winter campaign already started (today). It’s like the fashion world (!). And it be injected at the comunitary drugstores.
Our Lady of Fatima said that Portugal will always maintain The Faith, so I was very surprised when I read that they had a very high vaccination rate during the last scamdemic. Perhaps because the Pope and the Priests told them to take the shots? That’s such a conflict of interest. The clergy are not medical doctors and should not use their authority to manipulate the Faithful into unwarranted medical procedures or injections. It’s a confidential matter between people and their doctors. No one else need be involved.
Meanwhile so many friends and family members are still clueless as to what is happening. I have changed tactics and now are just begging friends and family members to get to Confession. Perhaps because they are not in a state of grace and that is why they are blind to the truth. I truly do not know how to help people anymore. We are a divided people. You either understand it or you don’t. Or they are just living in denial or “La La land…”
I think eyes will begin to open as bodies drop. Alas, however, those who have refused to doubt the ones they know to be liars, are going to be dragged into hell in a huge massive vortex, like one gigantic satanic gulp.
Hi Br Bugnolo
As John S posted on a previous thread, looks like street lights are being used as both 5G and 4G LTE transmitters. I have 4G LTE street light across the street from my house. How much of a risk is this you think?
If you have never received a DeathVaxx, do not worry about it. But if you and others have, check to see if your cellphone can pick up a 4g or 5G or bluetooth signal from it. If you can, then pray that a truck knocks it over.
(about our Lady of Fatima)
the Word of God tells us where Our Lady Is (because Our Lady gives us Jesus, the Way, the Truth, the Life) the the enemy Is.
In Genesis Is God Himself Hwo declares the enmity: « I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.”» gen 3, 15.
In the Revelation
«the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, ready to devour her child as soon as she gave birth.» Rv 12,4
Only God (like in Genesis) can make visibile the enmity and what It Is about (eternal salvation).
Only Jesus gives the Spirit of the Father and Him so we can see.
And the Grace as Power to participate in the Authority of Ressurrection (Revelation)
Where the High manifestation of the Love of God Is, there Is also the enemy to attempt to make people blind.
I don’t want to exagerate but Portugal (let’s say, since Fátima) Is like the Apocalipse land.
(Sorry if I didn’t express well in English)
You expressed it very well. I understand that Satan is attacking your beautiful country especially since it received the grace of our Lady of Fatima. That makes perfect sense to me. I will pray for your people but we must not forget to make sacrifices for sinners.
I have read Lucia’s book, “Fatima In Her Own Words,” numerous times. Obviously the version before 1965. I’m going to paraphrase this but at some point after the apparitions, a visitor asked Lucia, “ Did our Lady ask us to pray for sinners?”Lucia said, “No.” After the visitor left Francisco asked Lucia, “Why did you tell that visitor that Our Lady did not ask us to pray for sinners?” Lucia said, “Because She asked us to make sacrifices for sinners and to pray the Rosary daily for peace in the world and an end to the war.” Oh, that’s right,” said Francisco. “ “I was worried that you were telling the visitor a lie.” What incredible children!
This story always stuck with me because sometimes I think we forget as Catholics the power of making sacrifices for the salvation of souls and the conversion of sinners. Yes, pray the Rosary, attend Mass and Confession and Make the First Saturdays but we can not forget to make sacrifices because “There are many souls that go to hell because they have no one to make sacrifices for them.” Our Lady of Fatima, August ? 1917 or September 13, 1917. I think She said this in Her August apparition after the children were released from jail but I can not look it up and type my response at the same time.
Blessings my friends! And don’t be afraid, the children of Fatima overcame their fear quickly and they were very young. We are adults and we can handle whatever the satanist do to us because we are the Church Militant so let’s start acting like it.
Thanks for sharing that, Krista!
i have an issue with this theory. It sounds plausible only to the point that if only the jabbed die off from signal, how will they convince people that the jab is safe and effective? wont they be destroying their own narrative through this implementation?
I do not think, in the hysteria of mass deaths, that those who were jabbed will think as you do. Remember, that the hydrogel tech, if deployed, was probably not successively inested in the jabbed, such that maybe a large percent of the jabbed’s bodies have reduced and destroyed it by now.
Adding to what Br Bugnolo has said, I also think that once the toxins are activated by EMF through bluetooth signals and a person begins hemoraging, they will shed those toxins everywhere.
When I got “covid” aka got sick with snake venom toxins, my daughter got sick (albeit with much lighter symptoms) simply by entering my room for about 20 seconds…. those snake venom toxins are very very contagious.
The Covid virus doesn’t exist you mean you caught a cold or had a bad case of Flu?
A purebloods (non vaxxed) person immune system will still protect him/her as long as there is no intimate contact.
And even if the vaxxed start dropping and the unvaxxed remain unscathed in such an event as a 5G pulse being sent out the vaxxed would still be in denial, totally brainwashed they would probably run out to get more boosters to protect themselves.
Many thanks for this “heads up”!
Satan’s willing accomplices will use “every trick in the book” [and then some…] to persuade people to take a ‘vaccination’ of whatever sort……
Consequently, I, a pensioner, have received two texts within the past 5 days encouraging me to get an ‘annual flu jab’ a.s.a.p. – those texts were promptly deleted from my basic, non-internet, mobile!
The last ‘flu vaccination’ I agreed to was in autumn 2017.
No more vaxxes of any sort for me……
But, sadly, some of my family and many friends in the local Catholic community have ‘bought the propaganda’ therefore I am already visualising how many of them might not survive the next few months……
Kyrie eleison;
Christe eleison;
Kyrie eleison.
My California based mobile phone company has been putting out incessant “mandatory network updating” reminder messages for weeks that say they require users to buy a new phone and switch to their 5G mobile phone or else the current phone will “no longer work”. This is scheduled for the end of this month of August 2023, so in about 12 days from now. They are forcing users to buy a new phone or else no more phone service. Think about it. Like a water utility forcing you to buy new faucets or no more water. I contacted some law firms about this blackmail like demand, none have responded and they are laying completely low on this question. They maybe know or know to not get in the way.
Dump your phone company. Never submit to trickery like this.
My phone provider has been doing this as well. For the past week there is a constant pop up message to update. My phone is already not functioning well because I have declined the update.
EU response to COVID-19: preparing for autumn and winter 2023
(in the pdf document)
«CTIS, whose use will be mandatory for the submission of the clinical trial applications by 31 January 2023, provides also a public searchable database for healthcare professionals, patients and the general public. On 31 January 2025, the Regulation will be fully applicable and all clinical trials will need to be compliant with the rules.»
The excess mortality ongoing (Europe and Portugal)
Interesting the Way to present It (language tips): as far as the excess in Portugal is in line with the rest of european Union, so it’s ok.
And the picture: flowers in the cemitery. So sweet! (sorry for the irony). This Is incredible.
In nature The Black Death Plague required 30,50, or 100 years to mutate. The frequency of these “Covid Pandemics” only prove they are a man made BioWeapon.
Covid pandemic is caused by electromagnetic radiation. There is no virus
The V* used as an aspirine
Eris landed in Italy
MPox landed in Africa and Asia
(Note: it’s a Lusa news. As I explained before, lusa Is a likely a guideline)
The original–external-situation-report-27—14-august-2023
About mpox.
GAVI states: it “continues to spread in countries with little access to vaccines”
Let’s try Portugal (just in case)
Ohhh! More than a thousand cases. and an outbreak around JUNE. How can it be?
No, no, no. It can’t be! Don’t think It Is what it Is. You have to say the true cause: it’s because there Is no Access to V* in Portugal!!!. If you Say It Is what It is, around JUNE, you are a &&Phobhik, and the evil is in you, because you say it is what it is. Well, well, well.
Last but not the list. Category of the article: “science”.
You, know, there are also the “Time-travelling pathogenes”.
So, “To quantify the risks of time-travelling invasions, we isolated digital virus-like pathogens from the past records of coevolved artificial life communities and studied their simulated invasion into future states of the community.”
And This is science!: Computational biology:
I think there will be pulses from the 5G towers which will hit directly to activate the nanoparticles inside the injected, no mobile phones or Bluetooth is required.
The unvaxxed won’t be affected apart from perhaps a headache many of the injected will slowly become ill from the released toxins into their bloodstream and the lockdowns will return.
Another Vax will be offered and unfortunately the brainwashed sheep will rush out and get it.
This is just my opinion.
Are we in revelations? The 1st seal broken?
Questions like this are good to propose to yourself, but not easily answered by anyone who fears God.
Ty for your reply! I just ask bc I remember you saying a long time ago how events seemed man-made not evil which I interpreted as not being revelation but Dr. Immanuel said on Alex Jones recently that she believes we are in revelation and the 1st seal of crown, Corona and the shots. So I was just curious what you or the general consensus of Catholics may be? It is very evil and organized and like Dr Naomi Wolf said, this attack on humanity has been so well orchestrated with so many going along…. seems supernatural sometimes.