JAPAN: Researchers prove Pfizer DeathVaxx contains SV40 Cancer Promoting Gene sequence

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3 thoughts on “JAPAN: Researchers prove Pfizer DeathVaxx contains SV40 Cancer Promoting Gene sequence”

  1. Dear Br. Alexis Bugnolo,
    I’ve heard it said, from a antivaxxed Dr that she believes theses vaccines are the “mark of the beast”….The vaccines changes your DNA, your God given DNA. I wish I could find the video but in one of the videos it highlights that the evil pharmaceutical people call it “Lucifer” you cannot remove the vaccine once it’s in you vs. a stupid chip you allow yourself to get, a chip could potentially be removed! What do you think?

    1. Use the search engine here at FromRome for dozens of articles on these subjects, in addition to several editorials by myself on the same theme.

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